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Posts posted by MartyMcFly

  1. What do I want in 2011? Catacombs 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'm only 10% joking there. I want Catacombs to come back, maybe not next year but eventually.

    I know it's not even a possibility, but putting the emphasis on "wishful" rather than "thinking", I would die to see the Wizarding World overthrown by Death Eaters, complete with stilt walking dementors.

  2. Every house I went in was significantly better than my previous trips through. Every house impressed me in some way tonight. So bravo to all of you guys for really stepping up your game. Everyone was so intense tonight, I kept wondering if maybe people were amping it up a little because they knew me or something. But no, mostly it was just all of you guys being awesome. Again, that goes for every house. I'd say the same for the streets, but other than Zombie Gras and a trip to see my beloved wolfman, I didn't spend all that much time in any of them.

    The gentlemen of Saws N Steam have been very flirty this week. I got a lot of kissy faces tonight. Can't say I minded it in the least...

    As always, Catacombs was wonderful. House Of The Year, please and thank you.

    Hallow'd Past: both casts were killing it. But I got the pleasure of going through cast A with no one but my brother and I there. It was amazing. Chainsaw guy and Troupe Macabre dude, you two were brilliant. Walking into the scene I couldn't see anything but I could hear you two singing "We Will Rock You" and then ATTACK. Troupe Macabre guy asked me why I wanted to hang out with some crazy people like them. You guys were so much fun! I would have stayed with you all night. Of course, I have to mention my dear old friend the Hatter. No one does it better than you, my love. <3

    Zombiegeddon: somebody definitely played with my hair. I can't remember who or where, but holy shit it freaked me out. I've never gotten very scared in that house, but the body bag scene was crazy intense tonight. Awesome job.

    Hades: Wish I knew which cast it was, but whoever was on around 11:30-11:45ish, the entire first scene tonight was so intense. All of you were on your game and it was awesome to watch. And kudos to the giant skeletor-face guy for following me down the hall. I totally ran away from you. And I never run.

    Psychoscareapy: Brucie Bruce, I just adore you.

    Tonight was absolutely the best night I had at HHN XX. Thanks to all of you guys who made this year so much fun, and who remind me how sad I am to have had to quit and how anxious I am to try to be back out there next year.

  3. Kudos to the closing cast of Hallow'd Past. I went through after 1 tonight and you guys gave me the most scares of the night. I know how tiring that last set can be and how anxious you get seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, so I really appreciate and applaud you guys for keeping the energy up. This is the second time I've left this comment, which makes me even more impressed by you guys.

    Armyofrobots is all kinds of awesome. I can't even find enough words to express this.

  4. I will be writing a review later tonight. In response to what you said, I don't have any numbers and it is possible my judgment is incorrect. However, since I went there used to be 200 minute waits for houses - 60 minutes, peaking, on a Saturday is considerably low. Walking around I didn't feel the normal vastness of crowds, either.

    Did you always encounter 200 minute waits this early in the event? Because I never have. The crowd increases as the month carries on, and THAT is when the 200 minute waits come into play. For the record, I saw a 90 minute wait last night, a Sunday. I have my own issues with this year, too, but I went Thursday and Sunday this week and both nights were actually more crowded than I expected them to be.

  5. You all seem to know this, but armyoforobots is amazing. And if you don't already know, I implore to you go see him in action. So much <3 for him. In fact, all of you guys in 20 Years Of Fear are kicking so much ass. I haven't gotten to see the other cast much, but Mr. ofrobots's cast is working so hard and getting so many awesome scares. Bravo to you all. Street Of The Year, please? It needs to happen.

    My friend was dressed like Marty McFly last night (why? because he's awesome) and a very smiley Shadybrook patient in cast A gave him a nice "McFly!" shoutout. Also, a guy in the closing cast of Havoc was very excited to see Marty, too. So big thanks to those two guys. They helped me combine my two favorite things: HHN and BTTF.

    MAJOR kudos to the closing cast of Hallow'd Past. We were in after 1 and you guys were still kicking ass. The other, non-spine removing Body Collector scared the crap out of me.

    I'm not afraid of the chainsaws, but I must say that you guys in Saws N Steam really know how to pick your victims, and you are excellent at torturing them :)

  6. I have mixed feelings on the line pulsing. I'm going Thursday and while I do have an FFP+Express, I was hoping to hit as much as I could twice that night. I've only been going since '05 so unless we were doing a house really early like the AP preview or really late, I've only known the conga lines. I can't say I like them, but at least I've been able to go through the houses more than once a night that way.

    I guess I'll just have to see what they end up doing on Thursday night and how it affects my house experience. I do know I'll be disappointed if I can only go through each house once though. I like shorter lines with express, but I like being able to do houses twice (or more) in a night on a slower night with it better.

    I got to the park at like, 8:30 on Sunday night, and still managed to see 6 houses, even with the pulsing. So with a 2 hour head start, you should definitely be able to see everything at least once.

  7. Agreed with the line pulsing on Sunday night. You could tell the park really wasn't crowded enough for the lines to be as long as they were.

    Agreed again about the Hallow'd Past express line. Also, that whole set up is just awkward. The regular line is at a stand still for most of the line. There's gotta be a better way to work that.

    Exiting Hallow'd Past/Catacombs line: people hitting the fence drives me absolutely insane. I got hit in the face with it 2 years ago, so every time someone does it around me, I go off on them. I wish they could put someone there to watch this but they'd be blocking the flow of traffic.

    This isn't about Universal. But walking through Esqueleto Muerte, I saw the girl in front of me touching all the scareactors' costumes and wigs/hats, and she went so far as to rub her hand down a female scareactor's chest. She seemed drunk, but that's no excuse. I LOST it. My brother dragged me out of the scarezone to keep me from saying anything. He insisted that if the scareactor felt unsafe she would have gone and gotten someone to help her, and I knew it was right but still. I know it could have been worse. At least this guest wasn't punching people. But what in the world makes you think you have the right to touch anyone at all? They certainly aren't touching you, and I would bet that if anyone did, you would have reported it to security ASAP. Oh that's right. ALCOHOL makes you think you have the right to touch people. :rolleyes:

    Oh, and I WISH ops had been rushing us through Hallow'd Past. These jerks in front of me were literally at a standstill and having a freaking conversation during the Body Collectors scene. I could understand stopping to watch the spine extraction. But they weren't. They were standing there chatting like they were at the mall or something. Not only is that rude to the guests behind you, it's totally disrespectful to the scareactors.

  8. Kudos to the human trainer guy (sorry, don't know the exact role name) in Zombiegeddon for informing us that in case of a zombie attack, we need to hide our kids, and hide our wives. Got a HUGE laugh out of me and all the people around me.

    Also in Zombiegeddon, can't remember where in the house exactly but a zombie on the left got me right before I left his room. I thought there was a wall between us but turns out, there was a little opening for him to creep into. I wasn't paying attention and BAM. I think that was the loudest I've ever screamed at HHN. You were awesome, whoever you were. And I saw you laugh at me :P

    Cast B of Catacombs: you are brilliant. So much energy from each and every one of you. Fantastic teamwork all around. You all clearly know how to share your scares and help set up scares for your scene partners. The best display of this was the scene with the guy on the ceiling. The doctor on the floor did a fantastic job of distracting me while the arm came reaching down. I got scared from both sides. Another great partner scare was a scene with two doctors, one on the left and one on the right. The woman in front of me refused to walk past them as they reached out for her. Even I felt anxious walking past them. Also, you guys did a fantastic job of not just relying on your mask or your boo hole to do the scaring. Something I see a lot is people who pop out and assume that just the simple act of popping out will be enough to get the startle. Or, people wearing masks will appear, let you see the scary mask, then retreat. But you guys in Catacombs went the extra mile. You'd pop out, knowing that your masks were creepy creepola, but so many of you would add a little something, a head tilt, another jolt towards the guests, etc. before you recovered. My favorite was the guy who popped out at me, scaring me visibly, then came towards me again and threatened to slit my throat with his staff thing. I saw cast A walking out of the break area so I was prepared for a cast change walkthrough, which can be a little empty and awkward with timing and whatnot. But holy canoli, you guys absolutely killed it.

  9. My thoughts exactly. If the scareactors were to scare aggressively, it would seriously hurt the entire feel of the zone. It's supposed to me a much slower, creepier, almost elegant zone compared to the others. You can tell from the outfits and music alone, and it works perfectly imo.

    And you were replying to Cody, not MirpleNeze :P

    Yeah I was replying to Cody but asking MirpleNeze to correct my comment if it was wrong, since she works in that street.

  10. I have to agree about the abundance of '08 scenes. As someone who's only gone the past 4 years, I hoped to see more from before my time. However, it absolutely warmed my heart to see my beloved Mad Tea Party recreated almost exactly. I literally screamed with glee walking through it.

  11. there is one absolutely amazing scareactor in here that you don't even realize is a scareactor until it's too late.

    He was so much larger than I expected him to be. Clearly he's been eating his wheaties. Or fearios. <-- terrible pun, because how can I not?

  12. As cool as it looks, I've seen few scares from it. Not just in comparison to other zones, as Saws n' Steam and 20 Years are getting a scream a second. I see almost every scareactor doing nothing but standing there and looking mysterious. There's a lot that can be done with this space, but I don't see it getting taken advantage of.

    MirpleNeze, correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that the point of this street isn't to scare aggressively but to be more creepy and mysterious. As soon as I heard that I thought, ugh. People on the boards will complain that no one is scaring them. Just wanted people to know that it's not any inadequacy from the scareactors, simply a choice A&D wanted to make. The same is true for the Sirens in The Coven.

  13. to C_D for chasing me and my Pal Mickeys through sting alley @ Saws and Steam. Kudos go out to the "leader" guy who wanted to "rid new yorkshire" of the rodents (my pal mickeys, as well as my hat). I also must thank the guy in the hollywood scarezone who was like "what the hell is this" before scaring me with his chainsaw.

    I was just thinking about you and your hat tonight, and I am terribly sad I didn't get to see you. I was the Finale Queen in Scary Tales back in '08 :D

  14. Someone REALLY needs to remind one of the villagers how to stay in character. The burning man on the Muerte side was just standing there, looking bored. He actually took his arms down from being "tied up" to fan himself with his hat. Really? Is it lukewarm fire?

    :cough: FIRECREW :cough:

    And no, that's not a pun. I think I know who you mean, and there were multiple issues with this person. I cannot say enough about our other puritan though. He is fantastic and we all adore him.

  15. Based on the advance word this Scarezone apparently portrays a reversal of the events of Salem Village with the tables turned on those who carried out the Witch Trials.

    This has a personal appeal to me as it directly involves my family.

    I am a Salem descendant. Descended from no less than three Salem Witches.

    Susannah Martin was my 9th Great Grandmother, on 19 July 1692 she was hung as a witch on Gallows Hill in Salem Village.

    John Proctor was my 11th Great Uncle, he was hung as a witch one month later on August 19, he is the lead character of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible.

    Mary Bradbury was my 11th Great Aunt, she was tried and convicted as a witch but somehow managed to escape from jail. Thanks to this fortunate twist of fate she lived to be the ancestor of my cousin Ray who has written many very good books.

    Therefore to see those who persecuted and murdered my foremothers and forefathers receive just retribution gives me a strong feeling of satisfaction. I cannot wait to delight to this zone tonight!


    I can assure you, your ancestors will be avenged :) I just had a Romeo and Juliet moment and imagined you standing in the middle of my street screaming "all are punished!"

  16. I loved your zone! And I would have to agree with the low lighting problem.. we were walking through the fog, and all of a sudden there were two of you right in front of me, and honestly, scared me shitless.


    I'm glad you liked it :) We had some extra hags in our street that night. Firecrew girls who needed roles to fill. So I'm wondering if we'll have that many hags every night now, or if the firecrew girls will move on to other roles.

  17. I felt like this scarezone had NO lighting at all, just fog. IT NEEDS MORE LIGHTING!! I could barely see anything, and those costumes are gorgeous! I did love the one guy burning at the stake, saying he was roasting like a chicken. But seriously, there just isn't enough lighting to the point of it being a hazard.

    Agreed, Kim. As a scareactor in this street, the very little light/heavy fog combo made for many moments where I honestly could not see anything. I sincerely hope they fix this before tomorrow night because I hated standing around like a dummy, but I definitely didn't want to attempt to scare if I couldn't even see.

  18. At any rate.. Even thou it was said that the humor house would not be the one we are thinking of... I have a feeling it is Zombiegeddon.

    You're right. When they said "the one you're thinking of" I believe they meant Psychoscareapy, which has built up a reputation for mixing scary and funny.

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