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Posts posted by dolphan77

  1. I know the 7 houses is because of construction, but the problem is that if people pay the same for 7 houses and they can justify the price change with the lagoon show, we will see 7 houses next year again, and then later on, why couldn't they do the both park option, this was the exact year to do that, or not 2 parks but open park of IOA for HHN, they could have done something to fix the issue of the space and the lack of house, but they didn't, maybe they have valid reasons for this, but HHN was held at both parks in the past, so is not like they've never done it, that's what makes some people nervous, that they could have fixed the problem with opening part of IOA for houses, and they didn't and on top of all they planned a house on a building that was being demolished, if that is not cause to get scared for the event I dont know what is, if they get the same numbers as last years it just shows that we are okay with only 7 houses, and that they don't have to go that extra step for the event, they could say that 7 house count is better and leave it at that, we don't know, (we might even get 6 houses this year) I understand the construction was a problem, but this was the chance to do something and give us 8 houses, I know this is speculation and we don't know the truth or the problems they have, Im just saying, why didn't they do part of IOA? when we are having 2 constructions going on at Studios,

    about Hollywood and Orlando, they redo their houses, we always get original houses, if we start getting the Hollywood treatment we might see Nightingales the exact way it was last year, or the Plague doctors, because that's what they do over there, Imagine we get 7 houses next year and 2 are movie houses from over there and one is a repeat,

    I know how Hollywood works, i've had the pleasure of going to HHN Hollywood, and will be flying to CA again this fall. Maybe that's why im not to nervous about this year. By the way, don't worry about Alice Cooper, orlando will put it's stamp on it, and frankly the video didn't do the house any justice, i saw it for myself and it's better then you think. :-)

  2. Fair enough and I agree with you on most of your points. While I agree that Alice Cooper was a big hit in Hollywood, I don't believe that house as a whole should come to Orlando. I don't want to see the same house that was in Hollywood. I've seen video of it and I wasn't impressed. I wouldn't mind a similar house but I don't want to see a room by room recreation.

    One thing you may not know is Hollywood has never had much of an impact on Orlando but Orlando has had impact on Hollywood. Not saying the other way around isn't a good idea. Some people here have a problem with change. It's the unknown and we like to know what we're getting. For all I know it could end up being the best year ever because of an idea from Hollywood.

    One other small thing: I think it's funny how everyone seems to be panicking about the houses considering the tag line on the site right now is It's Never Too Soon To Start Panicking. The house list sure does have everyone panicking. Makes me start to wonder if we're not falling into a trap of some sort......

    Now that sounds like irony lol. Never to late to start panicking, boy did everybody take it to heart. Who knows lol.

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  3. In my opinion, i don't think that the event having 7 houses this year has nothing to do with Comcast dogging the event, but due to all the construction going on. Secondly, HHN Hollywood has had houses in the past that were originated here in Orlando (the thing asimilation). And last i checked Alice Cooper Welcome to my Nightmare was a big hit in Hollywood so it seems logical to bring it here, and might not be fair to call it a "rehash". Just my two cents.

  4. This year's HHN is shaping up to be an awesome one. Alice Cooper, dead exposureesque house, silent hill, Waalking Dead, and my favorite dudes Penn and Teller!!! Not so bad if you ask me, and those bashing Alice Cooper, his house at Hollywood was the best and highest rated one (I walked through that house and can't wait to see Orlando's version. Too bad rob Zombie's house isn't in the linup, oh well, hopefully next year.

  5. Yep, not to long now. But most information will be out by the end of this month. Once rehearsals start, there won't be anything to hide anymore. Those begin I believe the first week of sept. So as said, I see the next few weeks to be pretty jam packed with good stuff.

    After following HHN all these years I do agree with you. The official site should be running by the end of this month and that's why I said that we will see more substancial updates in the site leading to the official non teaser site. Things are getting interesting finally tho. :-)

  6. I was really expecting something today, most likely the next bit of LT with new photos. It just felt like it was time. But nothing all day, then I glanced at a calendar. Oh. Of course. What better date for an update than Friday the 13th?

    Very good observation Dr Jimmy. Let's hope that something good happens, and I believe that the website will be updated mre frequently since there is only month and a half untill opening night. :-)

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