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Posts posted by dolphan77

  1. I think the Rake was WAY more scary than Slenderman. Like JDW said Slenderman just "stands there" IT might be a cool concept for games and online talk, but as a house it could be boring

    (Unless Universal puts their own spin onit, Making him do scary things like cutting people open or something like that, But then Slenderman would Stop being Slenderman and it would just become like the Gentlemen from Buffy)

    That's another thing. We already had houses based on the Body Collectors before. They have appeared at HHN. I mean, technically Slenderman is just a Body Collector without a face and with tentacles on his back. I am not saying I hate Slenderman or anything but I don't exactly see how it would translate well to a house.

    I could even see a Slenderman Scarezone working. a bunch of guys in suits walking around scaring people. That would be cool, but as a house I don't know if there is enough for one.

    (Like I said, I don't understant why everyone wants a Slenderman house when the Rake is freaking horryfying. the costumes alone would be pretty freaky, let alone what he does to his victims)

    He could be good as a "cameo" in a room or something like that. Now i forgot all about Rake, which you're right, it's really scary. The Evil Within is another good one, as well as Siren, those shibido are creepy as heck.

    Siren and The Evil Within are based on video games which might be out of topic here.

  2. Grimp my friend, multi day tickets do not make up the majority of attendees, i can assure you that, it especially will not justify that saturday the park fill out to full capacity and have tell people in advace not to show up if you didn't have a ticket. Face it, the event was a success from any way you look at it, business is there to MAKE MONEY and not to just cater to a fringe group or "community"as you call it, the world does not revolve around just one group. There's a world of people out there and Uni reached out and got them. Get used to it buddy, this is the new trend, times change. Such is life...Topic over.

  3. I've been going to hhn since it was called Fright night. You don't need an icon, centralized them, houses that tie in with each other. Some of the best houses I seen where ip houses, and some of the best years ive seen didn't have icons. Doe that make me less "hardcore" then some of you? I beg to differ. Last year we had all the things some of you hated so much, including as someone said "washed up" celebrities and it seem to wo go over with the masses, just look at the wait times for validation. It's a BUSINESS' so you have to reach out a broader audience, and not just please a fringe group. Just my two cents, btw i enjoyed last years event very much.

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  4. The more i read, the more i feel like they're intentially throwing us on a wild goose chase. Keep the astute hhn fans guessing and going around in circles. If this happens to be accurate, I say it's pure genius. All we can do is take a deep breath and wait for more "leaks". We'll see. :-)

  5. It is interesting. But could you imagine the traffic trying to get in and out of there? Remember the Skoolhouse from 08?

    I know that museum of fooror an ss frightanic where dual run. What i was trying to say is that my gut tells me there might be a dual run house, but with all the conflicting reports its hard to tell.

    Yes. Especially with the possibility of losing a house this year. There was kinda-sort-of one in 06, Run: Hostile Territory. Also Where Evil Hides from 05 and S.S. Frightanic from HHN 8.

    Edit: Actually I don't think Where Evil Hides was duel run. Just a mirrored house. I'm sure I missed a few as well.

  6. Wow for someone who has a grand total of 16 active posts on this forum you sure seem to think you know better than everyone else. Seeing as you are so good at reading others posts you may want to reread the ones by owner Mz and other experienced posters telling people to respect others on here even if you don't agree with them. Everyone has an opinion which they are allowed to express because last time I checked we still had something called free speech. We're all here because we love the same event so if you see a post you don't like just ignore it, much more productive than trying to put people down don't you think?

    Free speech is a two way strre, ether way thanks for taking interest in my profile bud. Lets kiss and make up, alright. .:-)

  7. Even during the initial throws of the recession (2008/2009), when park attendance was down and money was REALLY tight, USF still hosted a solid HHN event with just as many houses, scarezones and scareactors. They employed more scareactors, new scare tactics, bolder sets, new house themes, all of which cost money. The permits issue is a non-issue. USF A&D is constantly figuring out new ways of masking and hiding information (internally and externally) because the fan base is way more devicefull in gathering and deciphering what they are doing than ever before. The demolition of SS44 may be a kink they didn't expect, but there is more than enough property and sq ft of sound stage, tents and streets for them to build the houses and scarezones they want and need to inorder to ensure an HHN event on par with the quantity and quality we have come to know, love and expect.

    It will be a great event this year.

    No matter what you say, these people will remain on the floor in fetal position for the same redundant stuff we been reading in the past 100 pages. It's still funnt tho when there'a tagline "it's never toi late to start panicking" lol. Oh and we have the "corporate is cutting corners" crowd lol Awesome posts by the way bro.

    I dint know how some people get away with spewing so much nonesense. Last i checked hhn has been closing later then in past years, plus they have added different frequent fear passes that acomodate everybody, and ohh here's the kicker, they have remained in the same price range. Go figure smh.

  8. I saw somebody here yesterday talking about "us the hardore fans" vs "casual". I would like to ask that person for how long they been going to the event, because i been attending since day 1 when it was fright night. So get off your high horses, and dont think that because we're not belly aching over this year's changes that makes us "casual fans". Good day to all.

  9. I don't necessarily disagree that before we had a big amazing event there was less, but it's like proposing to your girlfriend then cheating on her with her sister, ya just don't do it. Consistency is key when it comes to events such as hhn and by consistency I mean numbers of houses,scare zones, and the quality of all things. I whole heartedly agree that if the quality of the event is given for a crap magic act I will be very disappointed. Penn and teller have no place at hhn, and if it's a great house I'll admit it but I have absolutely no faith what do ever in them being involved in hhn

    To read my response, just read Legacy' response. He took the words out of my mouth. Oh and by the way, consistancy is NOT the key, other wise we would still be having the same stale event we been having for the last five years. Time to shake things up a bit weather you like it or not. If you dont like what you hear then DON'T GO, as easy as that. But ya'll need to stop the bitching and moaning already.

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