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HHN and potential spin-offs?

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so something i've been thinking about for a while now is how HHN could bridge out into doing spin-off stuff that aren't stuff to do with the actual event, but rather use the weird kind of 'lore' behind the icons and the original ips to develop kind of supplementary experiences


i mean, disney's haunted mansion got a comic, film and weird ARG/subscription box game thing, and HHN already has a kind of past with story experiences outside of the physical event itself (see the sites for hhn 15, 18, 19, 21, arguably even 20 with that ARG thing they did in fear's reveal, not to mention all the legendary truth stuff), so i think seeing HHN branch into similiar territories would be fun. i would love to see a horror anthology series like tales of the crypt, only using the existing icons and locations and stuff from HHN's original lore


obviously all of this is just wishful thinking, but what do you guys think'd be cool? personally i'd love to see the icons be explored more thoroughly as characters rather than just simply faces for hhn, i feel like there's a lot of potential not just because i've already written some fanfiction about hhn no sir



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I would love for them to dive into the wonderful deep lores that they have created, there is so many things they could do and almost any medium would work. However with our current struggle to keep the icons alive and going it def isn't happening soon. But I feel ya man! Have so much HHN fan art of the icons and could only imagine what an officially done spin-off for the icons could be like.

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