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Halloween Horror Nights 28 Speculation

Mark M.

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So what are these 10 houses gonna be like? 5 originals and 5 IPs? The IPs I hear on Inside Universal are Chucky or “something new” 


what originals can we have?


also anybody see that Halloween trailer? It looks good 

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25 minutes ago, Maxmoser said:

So what are these 10 houses gonna be like? 5 originals and 5 IPs? The IPs I hear on Inside Universal are Chucky or “something new” 


what originals can we have?


also anybody see that Halloween trailer? It looks good 

Don't get zone IPs confused with house IPs.

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I'm going to have to be the ray of obnoxious sunshine who's super excited for this year's event already. To me the announced scare-zones sound better than last year. Last year had TrT and that was about it. Maybe the clowns. Love me some chainsaw clowns. Anyway, The Harvest sounds better than AoH. Sounds like there will be more to it to tie it together as a zone. Vamp sounds infinitely better than the Purge and Chucky taking up another part of New York sounds crazy fun to me. I effin' love Chucky. I'm probably going to enjoy anything in the Central Park area. I love the aesthetic. I come from a place in which I am pretty much always surrounded by trees. I enjoy trees and what they do with them. That area isn't so much about the scare as the feel to me, and the feel is pure Halloween magic. Now I hope Hollywood turns out to be a fun and at least semi-ambitious zone. Won't take much to be better than last years Bone Zone. I found the Bone Zone to be confusing and irritating. Maybe I was doing it wrong. What was I talking about? Ah yes, my hick bumpkin enthusiasm. I'm feelin' it. 

Ok, and now remember, if anyone asks you about Stay and Scream, you tell them that means they have to hang out on City Walk until the time to enter the park, then enter the park with all the nice people. It just means stay in the area, yes, that is the ticket. Stay and Scream's just for US, everybody. Shhhhh... 


Also, my sister is going with my girlfriend and I this year and it will be her very first HHN, so that's also adding to my positivity. She's going to be blown away. 

Edited by TheRobcat
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3 hours ago, OhHaiInternet95 said:

So. Anyone have an idea when the next house announcement is? I’m still hoping for Poltergeist June 14 (day before Incredibles II—please someone get this connection!).

21st... And have something to eat for it.

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  • Gambit featured this topic

It's that time again. Time for the infamous Speculation Map for  #HHN28! 
DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this map is official unless otherwise already announced by Universal. It is based solely on current speculation and will change often



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2 minutes ago, Gambit said:

It's that time again. Time for the infamous Speculation Map for  #HHN28! 
DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this map is official unless otherwise already announced by Universal. It is based solely on current speculation and will change often



What would go in this HoB 2 if not Halloween? I get that there are many options (Get Out, Hush, Creep, The Visit) but I imagine they'll want a new blockbuster IP to bring GP into the house, which was Insidious last year. This year...could be the new Purge? Would they really use Purge in the same house series two years in a row? As much as I want Halloween to get its own house, I can't see a solo Halloween 2018 house and HoB 2 existing at the same event.

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1 minute ago, happy bunny rabbit said:

What would go in this HoB 2 if not Halloween? I get that there are many options (Get Out, Hush, Creep, The Visit) but I imagine they'll want a new blockbuster IP to bring GP into the house, which was Insidious last year. This year...could be the new Purge? Would they really use Purge in the same house series two years in a row? As much as I want Halloween to get its own house, I can't see a solo Halloween 2018 house and HoB 2 existing at the same event.

I love map spec. Makes it seem a bit more real!


I’m not sure HoB2 or the new Halloween will be at the event. Remember Shrek was a late addition, and if Halloween wasn’t planned before then it was never in the running to be a maze in its own right. And people are assuming HoB2 will be coming because of HDD rumours and the fact it was there last year. AHS was there two years running and heavily anticipated to return, yet has literally dropped off the face of the map this year now. 


Also I’d be surprised if Chucky was a scarezone (as much as I’d love that). And isn’t San Fran being retired as a scarezone location for somewhere new? Makes me think this area may be used for bars and food and a safe zone instead. Unless there’s something extra special planned here which no one (not in the loop already) is aware of yet?


Other than that looks good to me. Can’t wait for officially hearing what’s in store!



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I really don't think there will be a Blumhouse mash up and I think a Halloween and Chucky are here to stay. I also think Chucky is getting a  bigger zone than I thought. Maybe that is where the foam comes in to play? And I am thinking Klowns for sure for the other zone. 

Edited by TheRobcat
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21 minutes ago, Gambit said:

It's that time again. Time for the infamous Speculation Map for  #HHN28! 
DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this map is official unless otherwise already announced by Universal. It is based solely on current speculation and will change often




I think where you have HoB 2 might actually be where the possible HDD house may be situated. I feel like the HoB 2 talk got mixed up with the B movie talk, or maybe I’m confusing it with the Halloween Best Of talk? I was also under the impression that due to the F&F ride exit, San Fran wouldn’t be hosting a SZ this year. This is awesome though!

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As I have not been there yet, does F&F have an overflow queue that could be used for a house after the immense popularity of F&F dies down (say, in a week or so)?


Trying to recall where the OZ rumor comes from.  Is that essentially a Scary Tales --> Path of the Wicked --> Let's put it in a house?


And I don't recall any talk of B-movie mashup, but that describes Blood N Gutz to the letter.  Please someone tell me this might happen!


As for Legacy's "Have something to eat for it", Leave to Cleaver comes immediately to my mind.  Thinking of what they could mash it with...  But that actually brings up another question: Spawning and Leave it to Cleaver were each a "Fangoria Presents".  Does Universal own the rights to the LITC concept, or do the Fangoria people partial rights-holders?


Even though I have Z-E-R-O interest in Poltergeist, Blumhouse, and Halloween, that speculatory map is zombieman approved!  In fact, if this year gets much better based on coming announcements, I may need to consider swapping out my ROF ticket for an ultimate ticket and visit late October also.  Shame I gotta fly across the country for a good HHN event when one is 20 miles away.  



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