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Houses & SZs Anticipation Levels

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I know we still don't have all the houses announced, but think it's time to start up this annual tread....


Scare Zones

  1. Invasion!  Just dying to see this one.  Had the potential to be an all time favorite BEFORE seeing the UFO.  Anticipation is at an all time high on this one.
  2. Alters of Horror.  Love the photo op zones and the idea of being able to look at characters from the houses for more than a split second in better lighting is just awesome.
  3. Festival of the Deadliest.  Hope this is better than it's name.  Name just drives me nuts.
  4. The Purge.  I don't mind this returning at all.
  5. Trick R' Treat.  Love the movie, but just think this will be a generic Halloween type zone.  HOPE they don't have Sam with his sack/mask off.  Seeing what he looked like was the biggest disappointment with the movie in my opinion.  If they have the bus kids in water logged outfits and masks this will move up my list pretty quickly.  Was disappointed they didn't put the old school bus in the zone and add water damage (though it's a bit big to fit in there).
  6. Roaming Horde.  Don't enjoy going through these all that much (don't really get any scares, hence it's low ranking)...but LOVE to people watch wherever they are.  The scares they give some people are just a joy to behold.


  1. Ash vs Evil Dead.  Was on the fence about going this year due to "real life" stuff, but this house almost single handedly changed my mind.
  2. American Horror Story.  Only watched 3/4 of one season and really couldn't get into it, but LOVED last year's house so this is way up there!
  3. Scarecrows.  Everything about this just sounds awesome.
  4. The Fallen.  If this was the rumored Gothic vs Catacombs...just the fact that it kinda reminded people of those two houses makes me really interested to see what happens with this.  This and Scarecrows are really tied for 3rd.
  5. The Shining.  The fact that it has no monsters or masks makes me worry about how the scareactors will look and could pull me out.  Could EASILY be my #1 by the end of the event since it's an A&D Unicorn I think they're going to pull out all the stops.
  6. Saw.  I enjoy the movies and like seeing the traps recreated.  
  7. Hive.  Vampires just don't do it for me.  The cast and props could make all the difference in the world.
  8. Dead Waters.  Not a big fan of Voodoo stuff (other than Serpant and the Rainbow)...but the steamboat could rocket it up my list based on how it pulls it off.
  9. Blumhouse.  I'm not a fan of the PG-13 ghost horror so this really does nothing for me.



Update after first weekend non-spoiler reviews (I'm not going until the 3rd weekend).



  1. Ash vs Evil Dead - Since it's back in the corner by itself and doesn't feed anywhere else, I hope to do this multiple times every night
  2. Scarecrows - Just sounds awesome
  3. Dead Waters - Still don't care for voodoo stuff, but just sounds  awesome
  4. AHS - The 2 originals jumped it just based on people gushing about them and not giving glowing reviews of AHS
  5. The Shining - Sounds better than I anticipated...but worse than many others expected
  6. The Fallen - Doesn't sound like the house they announced
  7. Hive - The enthusiastic cast bumps it above Saw
  8. Saw - LOVED the first house for the traps, but agreed it was horrible for scares.  Sounds like more of the same and a "been there, done that" type thing.
  9. Blumhouse - Really don't care


  1. Trick R Treat - Movie isn't the greatest thing in history in my book, but damn it looks beautiful at night!
  2. Alters of Horror - I hate selfies (mostly because I look like an idiot in pics) but love the photo op zones.
  3. The Purge - The event always has this kind of generic zone...the fact that they seem content to keep skinning the zone with Purge character is fine by me.  I'll spend a lot of time here.
  4. Invasion! - Just sounds like a boring disappointment :(  I had such high hopes for this zone.
  5. Roaming Horde - Always entertaining to people watch.
  6. Festival of the Deadliest - Sounds like it's living down to it's name.
Edited by Oysterhead00
Post 1st week re-ordering
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Scare Zones:

1. Trick r' Treat: Fun movie, so much room for variety, and I love the sets so far

2. Invasion!: Vamp '55 was fun as hell, and if this is as cheesy as that was then I'll have a good time again. The location is my least favorite for scarezones, however :T

3. Festival of the Deadliest: Concept art was neat but I haven't seen anything else about it to get me hyped, so.. could jump up my list later on.




4, 5 and 6. Purge, that other one and roaming hordes: Yawn. Don't care about another purge zone, I strongly despise the photo op zones, and roaming hordes are always forgettable.



1. The Fallen: Every time I hear more about it I get more excited. It has so much potential to be amazing

2. Hive: Used to be near the bottom of the list. Now I know it's nosferatu-inspired vampires instead of dracula-kind, and I am now very interested.

3. Ash vs Evil Dead: Started watching this show and I love it. There's a lot of room here for great gags and good gore.

4. Dead Waters: Crazy ambitious sets. Voodoo lady sacrifices. Yes.

5. Scarecrows: Cool idea, and while the scarecrow design shown off does seem neat, I don't know just how scary these things can be. I've never been too into them, and I'm not a crow, so idk just how spooky it can get


6. AHS: I think this show sucks, but it does have a ton of inspired themes and could be pretty great. It's also long, so thats a plus

7. Saw: Finally forced myself through all the movies, and while the scenes can be gory and cool, I doubt it has much room for actual scares. Bonus points tho if we have to crawl through the wire maze, since that could be pretty harrowing

8. The Shining: Didn't care for the movie at all, and I feel like it can't be too scary. Cool sets are all it has imo


9. Blumhouse: Purge and Insidious again. Don't care for Sinister. Welp.



1. Giant pink frosted sprinkle donut: I eat a whole one every time at HHN. It's a tradition. It sometimes hurts but is always worth it. 10/10 would have indigestion again

Edited by duh1011
Everything was announced; really shook up the house list
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Scare Zones:


1) Invasion!; The Vamp '55 of this year

2) Trick R Treat; Campy zone and is gonna give Skoolhouse vibes

3) Alters of Horror; A close up of the costumes is gonna be really cool to see in the streets

4) Festival Of the Deadliest; Looks good and sounds good but the idea of it is very confusing

5) The Purge; Is gonna be good but been there done that




1) AHS: Asylum, Coven, Roanoke; Roanoke alone could make this HoTY

2) The Fallen; Anything close to Catacombs & Gothic  in aesthetic is high on my anticipation

3) Dead Waters; The pictures they showed make this house look amazing; impressed with the amount of locations they fit into the maze

4) The Shining; What else can I say

5) Saw: Should be much better than the 09 house since it's in a larger location

6) Scarecrows; Very good concept and looks very creepy

7) Hive; If its just Conjuring with Vampires it sounds good to me

8) Ash vs Evil Dead; Seems good but I don't know the content so I'm gonna be confused

9) Blumhouse; The fact there's no Get Out or Split makes this house worthless(aside from Sinister) and Insidious should've been it's house like it was planned

Edited by wow
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1. Invasion!- I think it will be a very good mix of campyness and solid scares. The addition of the military vehicles make me more excited.

2. Festival of the Deadliest: mostly because all the information we have is pretty vague. The props from the video look really cool.

3. Trick r Treat- One of my favorite Halloween movies. I think it would suit better as a house but should still be a solid zone.

4. The purge- I'm a huge fan of the series, so I could care less if its a repeat. Hoping to see more from the new movie.

5. Altars of Horror- Photo op zone. Nothing too special here. Was hoping for something more original.



1. Scarecrow- could easily be the scariest, and creepiest house. 

2. Hive- HHN hasnt done me wrong on a vampire idea yet. They are always some of my favorite houses year after year

3. Angels and Demons- Really loves the catacombs concept. Gothic was a solid house as well but got a little boring after multiple run throughs.

4. Saw- Other than Childs play its my favorite horror franchise. Hopefully its better than the 09 maze.

5. AHS- Asylum is my favorite season.

 Coven is my least favorite. Last years house was great. I expext nothing less than greatness.

6- Ash vs Evil Dead- havent seen the show but its really giving me a from dusk til dawn kind of vibe so I'm super excited for the fun times.

7- The shining- for the scariest movie of all time they need to pull out all the stops. I don't think the house will be able to convey the same feelings as the film

8. Blumhouse- Purge was great. Insidious was great. Sinister is a great franchise. Was hoping for more.

9- Bayou of Blood- Scarezone was super weak. Wasn't impressed with HOS' take on voodoo. Looking forward to the facade however

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1) Trick r Treat - as I've said before, this area for a scarezone is usually my fave, and when it's very Halloween-esque, it will be my #1

2) Festival of the Deadliest - I'm thinking there is a lot of potential for this.  I'm picturing elaborate costuming and killer makeup

3) Invasion - Excited for something different even though I'm not a huge sci-fi fan

4) Altars of Horror - I don't mind the photo-op sort of zone.  I like to take lots of pics (NOT selfies), and this is a great opportunity.

5) The Purge - meh - sick to death of it

6) Roaming Hordes - I don't mind the hordes as you can't have HHN without chainsaws.  The sound is necessary background noise for me.  But I wouldn't say I'm amped up for them.



1) The Shining - been wanting a King property since I started going in 2005.  Also, we visited the Stanley Hotel for the first time this summer, so I'm all about The Shining.  I have faith that A&D will rock this

2) AHS - this was my fave house last year.  The did an AMAZING job with it.  I expect nothing less this year.

3) Scarecrows - love, love, love this concept.  I cannot WAIT to see it!

4) The Fallen - I think this one is pretty much a tie with Scarecrows for me as I am equally excited about this. I bet it's the most beautiful house this year.

5) Hive - I love me some vampires.  I think they are sexy as hell.  I am never pissed to see vampires in the streets or in the houses.. yes, please.

6) Dead Waters - having been through Death Water Bayou at HOS several times, I am curious to see what HHN does with it.  Voodoo stuff can be scary

7) Ash v Evil Dead - not hating on Ash. I just haven't watched it yet, although I've seen all three movies. I know this will be the comedy house, and I'm all for it.

8) Blumhouse - disappointed with The Purge being recycled again.  Insidious was great the first time, but I don't need to keep seeing it.  Sinister may save this.

9) Saw - I still am not convinced this translates well to a house.  It's just one torture seen after another.  Meh.  I'll probably see it once and skip it later.

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1. Trick r Treat - love, love, LOVE the movie (wish it was a house instead of Saw) & absolutely cannot wait to see this come to life!

2. Invasion - Vamp '55 was my favorite SZ last year, so if this is done in a similar way as that one I'm sure I'll love it.

3. Altars of Horror - really curious to see which characters they have out for this one.

4. Festival of the Deadliest - this one kinda confuses me, is it gonna be dark & creepy as described or will it possibly have a bit of a Day of the Dead vibe similar to characters seen in the commercial? We'll see on the 15th.

5. The Purge - I just don't really care enough unfortunately.

6. Roaming Hordes - again, just don't care.



1. The Shining - one of my favorite movies of all time, cannot wait to see how they've done this one.

2. AHS - Coven was my favorite season so, again, I'm excited to see how they've brought it to life.

3. Scarecrows - I like traditional Halloween themes and this one fits right in that category for me, plus the dust bowl twist is intriguing.

4. The Fallen - growing up Catholic, religious themes tend to bother me more so I'm prepared to be pretty scared going through this one lol

5. Dead Waters - I really like the riverboat concept art, I'm excited to see that full scale.

6. Blumhouse - I liked Sinister so I'm excited to see that. Last year was my first year so I missed Insidious, and I like that movie enough that I don't mind seeing portions of it in this house. As for The Purge, no comment lol

7. Hive - contrary to my username (it's a song) my all time favorite vampires are The Lost Boys, so if we're not getting a setting in a fictional 80's California beach town, no boardwalk with an oily sax player, and no Kiefer Sutherland then honestly I'm not 100% interested. Plus, knowing that this replaced The Conjuring is slightly disappointing.

8. Ash vs. Evil Dead - love all the movies, I even loved the musical (now there's a show I wouldn't mind seeing take Bill & Ted's place somewhere next year) but I've never seen the show. 

9. Saw - truly IDGAF.


Extra Stuff I'm excited for - Scareactor Dining! And actually stopping at some of the booths to try some of the food & drink, cause that's something I didn't get the chance to do last year. Also never saw Academybof Villains, so I'm sure I'll stop to see that at some point. I'll also go see Bill & Ted, even though I didn't care for it last year, I'm sure since this is the final year it'll be an interesting show.

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On 8/29/2017 at 9:40 AM, criticalanalysis said:


1) Invasion

2) Trick r Treat

huge drop off

3) Alters of Horror

huge drop off

4) Festival of the Deadliest

huge drop off

5) The Purge



1) Scarecrows

2) The Fallen

3) Hive

4) Ash v Evil Dead

5) The Shining

6) Saw

7) Dead Waters

8) Blumhouse

9) AHS


same just AHS would be higher up ,probably switch with ASH

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1. Invasion! - I love sci-fi B movies from the 50's and 60's, so this should be nothing short of amazing. I know the San Fran area is very cramped but that didn't stop me from loving the heck out of the Harbor from last year.
2. Festival of the Deadliest - Expecting this to be real awesome, especially since it's this year's theme and they won't stop building up hype about it.

3. Trick 'r Treat - Haven't seen the film it's based off yet, but obviously it isn't too hard to grasp the concept. Just from the construction alone you can tell that there is a lot of passion behind it, and I'm glad to see so many people happy that this property is finally at the event.

4. Altars of Horror - I know there are a lot of people who despise stage zones like this, but it should be pretty cool to see all the IPs in one area.

5. The Purge - I honestly forgot what the NYC zone was for a little bit. Now I remember why. Maybe I'm being a little harsh considering I didn't make it during 24, so my opinion will most likely change when I go. 

And now for the hard part...

1. The Shining - I LOVE this movie, and it contributes so much to making an outstanding house. I know it'll be awesome.
2. Dead Waters - From the pictures, this looks beautiful. Probably going to be the most atmospheric house this year.
3. Hive - Conjuring replacement aside, the concept for this sounds intense. To me, this sounds the scariest.
4. Ash vs. Evil Dead - Kinda wished it was based off the movies because I haven't seen the show yet, but apparently the series holds up really well, so I'm excited.   
5. The Fallen - Sounds like a very action-oriented house, looking forward to seeing the creature designs.

6. Scarecrows - Not sure what to expect, and I like that. From the construction photos of the facade though, I already like it.

7. American Horror Story - Should be pretty good, although I need to see Coven. Asylum and Roanoke are my favorite seasons, but I'm gonna admit the show isn't that great (I mainly watch it with friends to have a laugh). However, there are plenty of characters and scenes to make this an interesting house, and I did enjoy last year's house.
8. Saw - Never really cared for the property, but I will admit it does have some cool aspects. Plus, this is the first time I'm seeing it at HHN.
9. Blumhouse - A little disappointing since we've seen Insidious and Purge before, but I do like Sinister, so there's that.

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1.    Trick r’ Treat

My Favorite Halloween movie of all time! I wish it was a house but maybe some other year. I just hope that Sam is a walkaround character and not just a static figure. As long as there’s actual characters from the film and not just general Halloween characters this will definitely be my favorite zone.

2.    Festival of the Deadliest

I don’t really know what this is but the visuals seem very gothic in nature, almost a throwback to the HHNs of old. If this zone delivers I’m sure it will be great. Plus it will be nice to not just have a photo op zone in Hollywood.

3.    Invasion

The problem with the San Francisco zones the last few years is crowds. If they can pull this off I’m sure it will be great and provide a nice variation of tone.

4.    The Purge

I liked the third purge movie, and all the New York zones are the same. (City under attack by something, chaos) at least purge has some interesting and relatable visuals. Hopefully they bring back old favorites with the motorcycles and such and also newer visuals from the recent film like the car covered in lights and the bloody American masks.

5.    Alters of Horror

I have no opinion on this yet. Hoping it’s at least a nice photo op zone. I get it social media is important. I’m just having trouble picturing how it will look. We’ll see.


1.    Scarecrow: the Reaping

YES! Scarecrows and corn and classic fall visuals. This one should work for me.

2.    American Horror Story: Vol. 2

I love the show and Asylum was my favorite season. Last year’s was great so hopefully they can pull it off again.

3.    Dead Waters

Visuals look fantastic, hopefully they look as good in person as they do in photos.

4.    The Fallen

This seems like the spiritual successor to Gothic which was a standout house for me. If they can bring back that feeling without it feeling too similar this will surely be a win. Classic Gothic horror works well for the event and should bring a nice shift in tone to the modern IPs.

5.    The Shining

A classic horror film for a reason. I just hope it’s not five minutes of Jack with an Axe. If they can find a way to pull off the blood flood then I’ll be happy.

6.    Hive

Great shift in tone for Vampires for the event. It seems like they were going for fan service with this one so hopefully it’ll be good.

7.    Saw: The Games of Jigsaw

I think the saw movies are okay and the intensity of the traps should work well in a house, but I can see this one depending entirely on the cast. It could either be a Havoc: the Dogs of war with a good cast, or a Havoc: Derailed without.

8.    The Horrors of Blumhouse

Insidious was a great house. No need for Purge. Don’t know anything about Sinister. I’m sure this one will have long lines being right next to bill and ted. We’ll see.

9.    Ash Vs. The Evil Dead

Don’t care for the whole franchise. Hope those that do enjoy it

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1) Invasion!. The props on the street look incredible and from closer inspection I have a hunch that saucer is gonna light up somehow. Only foreseeable con is that this SZ is always a bottleneck.

2) Trick R' Treat. Screams classic Halloween with all those pumpkins and I really, really want a bunch of little Sams running around. Fingers crossed. Con is again, bottleneck zone, and the door props aren't going to help.

3) Festival of the Deadliest. The aesthetics will make this one great. This is always my favourite SZ to hang out in regardless of theme thanks to the ample park benches. Looking forward to many evenings out there.

4) Altars of Horror. This is literally just a 'Selfie Zone' in the same vein as Die-In at 25--this time it's blatantly advertised as one, too. Boo.

5) Purge. Just...no. I haven't even SEEN another Purge house or zone and I do not want.




1) Dead Waters. 'Nough said. It looks incredible. And there better be an intestine-heavy sacrifice. ;)

2) AHS. Hoping I can handle this one, if last year's was anything like this one will be I think we'll be in for a treat.

3) The Fallen. This is Gothicombs, yes? Love that aesthetic, and IIRC this is the one that will have flying SAs if rumor is true. 

4) Ash vs. Evil Dead. Never seen the film or series but I have seen clips now--horror/comedy is always great. I want that moose head to be in there.

5) Hive. Just the concept is intriguing, really looking forward to seeing the execution.

6) Scarecrow. Just a personal preference, haha. I love me my scarecrows.

7) Shining. Only this low because I won't be visiting it during the event, but only this high because I have my fingers crossed it'll be in my lights-on tour. We all know it's gonna look fantastic.

8) Saw. Another one I probably won't visit, but will definitely be some people's favourite.

9) Blumhouse. Maybe I'm just salty because neither coast gets anything from Get Out. Not a definite no-go for me, but I'll probably enjoy whatever videos are taken of it from the comfort of my couch.


All in all my anticipatory rating is probably a 3.5 or 4/5. Originals look incredible and as always, the SAs will make it worth the time spent.

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#1- Saw: The Games of Jigsaw- Just finished watching all the movies recently and MAN do I love them! The plot twists are mind-blowing, and the traps are so gruesome yet so unique and cool! Plus it's going in the Shrek theater and Asylum was a pretty good house and I absolutely loved Krampus, plus I spoke to #MattCorn and he said he walked through and said that it's probably the best IP house this year! #Saw #Hype

#2- The Fallen- After reading the plot and looking at the concept art for this house, I immediately fell in love. I've seen videos of Gothic from #HHN22 and that house looked amazing! Hoping for this to be an amazing sequel to it. But main reason of hype for this house are the flying gargoyles they mentioned. 'Nuff said. #Fallen #Hype

#3- Ash Vs. Evil Dead- Just recently I finished watching both seasons and there are amazing and hilarious moments in every episode! I laughed my head off in each episode and plus, I'm terrified of chainsaws. And plus knowing that this will be the comedy house this year, I am even more hyped! #Ash #Hype

#4- Scarecrow: The Reaping- I am absolutely TERRIFIED of scarecrows, and knowing that they are gonna be towering over me at 6 feet and higher, I will more than likely scream in this house more than once. #Scarecrows #Hype

#5- Dead Waters- I have watched multiple videos of Bayou of Blood and the human sacrifice show they did, and it all looked like so much fun! And knowing that this will be a sequel to it in the form of a house and that the Voodoo Queen herself will appear in it, I am absolutely HYPED! And... there better be a live human sacrifice at the end. #DeadWaters #Hype

#6- American Horror Story: Volume 2- Just recently, I finished watching Asylum and Coven. Asylum was an incredible season being both super creepy and ominious, yesterday I finished up Coven and while it was still really good, I can see if it'll be the shortest section in the house. And I am nearly done with Roanoke and I can see why many people have been calling it the weakest season. Pretty predictable, no epic intro with the amazing song, and it just feels very different.

#7- The Shining- Now don't get me wrong. I am still super excited for this house, mostly because I want to see in person "Here's Johnny" as well as the creepy hedge maze, and of course the Blood Elevator, Twins, and All Work and No Play. But other than that, not much in the movie I'm interested in seeing in the house. The room 237 scene really isn't that creepy, and the rest of the movie is more just Jack and Wendy arguing. So, I am still excited, but not as much for the others. #Shining #StillHyped

#8- Hive- This is one of those houses that I feel is gonna be a little meh, mostly for two reasons. One, it seems like it's just gonna be a normal vampire-themed maze, and two, I'm worried about the house itself considering we know it was supposed to be Conjuring. Don't want another Scream Being Purged scenario.

#9- The Horrors of Blumhouse- I think we can all agree on this. We're already getting the exact same Purge scare zone as we did in #HHN24 and we've already had Purge as a house, and it wasn't even that good! (Well to be fair, it was supposed to be Scream but it was still Purge!) Insidious we had a house 2 years ago, and Sinister doesn't really catch my attention, but I'll state my opinion once I watch the first movie tomorrow. Plus this is going where Lunatic's Playground was and we all know how that house went... #Blumhouse #Meh

#10- The Repository- Now I don't actually know if The Repository is returning or not, but for a few minutes it was on the site and whether or not it was by accident, if it is indeed returning and they didn't mean to put it up yet, I saw what it said and it sounds like the exact same Repository from last year, which don't get me wrong I did really like, but it definitely had problems. And if the exact same house is returning with no fixes, then I won't be too excited when doing it on my RIP tour. #Repository #NoHype


Scare Zones:

#1- Trick 'r Treat- I just finished watching the movie yesterday and it was incredible! From how all the stories tie together, to the cute yet creepy Sam, this is bound to be a good scare zone! My only concern is it's going in Central Park and for the last 2 years, Lair of the Banshee and Evil Roots were the worst scare zones in my opinion. #Sam #Hype

#2- Invasion!- After walking through the San Francisco area yesterday and seeing all the props, this scare zone is definitely gonna be freaking awesome! From the 50's-style aliens that will be walking through it, to the UFO that will hopefully have fire coming out of it since it's crashed, and the alien experimentation on humans they talked about! Only problem is, it seems the scare zone is gonna be really tight again and that's what made Dead Man's Wharf last year not that great. #50'sAliens #Hype

#3- Altars of Horror- I know what a lot of you are probably gonna say, we've already had this scare zone tons of times, last year we had A Chance in Hell which for me was the 2nd best scare zone behind Survive or Die, and we've had many stage scare zones in the past and this isn't looking to be any different. But, the thought of talking and interacting with characters like Jigsaw, Jack Torrance, or Ash makes me super hyped for this scare zone! #Altars #Hype

#4- Festival of the Deadliest- This scare zone isn't catching my attention much. It sounds like it's just gonna be a bunch of Soul Collectors running around! #Festival #Meh

#5- The Purge- This is gonna be the exact same scare zone from #HHN24 and we're already having Purge in a house. 'Nuff said. #Purge #NoHype

I have attended #HHN21, #HHN22, #HHN23, #HHN24, #HHN25, #HHN26, #GonnaAttendHHN27

Halloween Horror Nights XXI Favorite House- Nightengales: Blood Prey

Halloween Horror Nights XXII Favorite House- Penn & Teller New(kd) Las Vegas 3D

Halloween Horror Nights XXIII Favorite House- The Cabin in the Woods

Halloween Horror Nights XXIV Favorite House- Halloween

Halloween Horror Nights XXV Favorite House- Jack Presents 25 Years of Monsters & Mayhem

Halloween Horror Nights XXVI Favorite House- Halloween: Hell Comes To Haddonfield

Edited by HHN Pro
To add what years I've been
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1- Ash vs Evil Dead

Just finished watching both seasons and they were absolutely amazing, the perfect balance of both comedy and horror in great extremes. The show is perfect for a house adaptation and just thinking of what it could possibly be gets me super excited. I just hope it all lives up to what I have possibly envisioned in my head 'cause if it does it will be just such a fun house with such wonderful repeatability. 

2- The Fallen

Gothic is in my Top 3 favorite houses of all time and if this house is kinda following the same style and from a similar universe we are all in for a real treat. 

3- Dead Waters

While Bayou of Blood wasn't really a strong scare zone the concept and ideas behind it are there and I do enjoy the voodoo asthetic. Also the preview pics are stunning and I just envision similarities in a way to Tomb of the Ancients which I enjoyed a lot as well.

4- AHS

Easily my favorite of last year and I see this year being just as strong. However it is interesting the timing as much as I have enjoyed AHS up to this point the way Cult is being advetised to me idk it just makes me ready to get off the AHS bandwagon. So I am ready for this to be my AHS swan song and I enjoyed Asylum, Coven and Roanoke and think this will be a great way to let go of this series. 

5- Scarecrow

Nothing initially for me to think poorly of this house but sometimes I get Roanoke: Cannibal Colony feels when looking at the preview pics and granted that is just similar asthetics but Roanoke doesn't rank highly in my memories of houses. 

6- Hive

Lowest anticipated original just simply due to the troubled orgins and my brand of horror is more inclined to The Fallen and Dead Waters. That aside I think this house will overcome all obsticles and still be a great house to go through.

7- Blumhouse

Now the remaining houses I am slightly concerned about their outcome but we shall see! As discussed already it seems like this house has had some troubles in production and planning, however the Insidious house I have fond memories of and if it can replicate that well then I will be one happy customer. Purge def seems like a phone in but I am not mad at the idea and think it can still be pulled off well, it isn't TWD status...yet. Thus leaving Sinister for where HHN needs to invest in new props and etc. I think this house could be a lot of fun just hope it didn't all come together to little to late.

8- The Shining

While the movie is fun, watched it on Netflix after the announcement I just have trouble seeing the translation to a house. I see deja vu of the Exorcist, a project/film the design team has a huge passion for and def left a mark on horror cinema but just simply doesn't translate well to a house. I would love to be proven wrong but after the Exorcist last year I am not convinced. 

9- Saw

Granted I'll admit I used to be into Saw when it first was coming out but over the years I got over it and I just am not mustering up any excitement over this house. I see Saw translating to a house better than the Shining but I just am not into it at all now.

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1) Trick r Treat 

2) Invasion

3) Alters of Horror

4) Festival of the Deadliest

5) The Purge



1) Dead Waters

2) The Fallen

3) American Horror Story

4) Ash v Evil Dead

5) The Shining

6) Saw

7) Scarecrows

8) Blumhouse

9) Hive

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1.Trick r Treat: just watched the movie and the details in the streets has me very excited for this zone! Details in the streets horror in the sheets am I rite! 

2. INVASION! Come on, we've all seen the spaceship and it is glorious! 

3. The Purge: I haven't watched the movies yet and I didn't experience the scare zone so I'm pretty excited to see this in action and not on a YouTube video 

4. Festival of the Deadliest: So what is this zone about? 

5. Altars of Horror: I'm actually excited to be able to see the details up close but wish it didn't take up a scare zone maybe like dedicated meet and greets during the event and use the scarezones for scarezones



1.Dead Waters: Voodoo and bayou horror scares me to my core. Even if the house isn't great this will haunt me! Plus like the Voodoo Kween! 

2. The Shining: This moved up my list because I just recently watched this creepy movie. I think the details and Easter eggs will be great. 

3. Scarecrows: Old corn maze type vibe, I feel like this might be a sleeper hit.

4. American Horror Story: Love the show, loved the house last year, and Roanoke was a super scary season.

5.Ash Vs Evil Dead: This will move up on my list once I watch the show 

6. The Fallen: Should be a beautiful house not sure how scary it will be 

7. Saw: I actually love the movies and I will love the house...this could also crash and burn 

8. Hive: Vampires 

9. The Horrors of Blumhouse: Ok, I am excited about this house, I wish some other properties were used but again this might be a sleeper hit! 


*Note: I am more excited about the houses this year vs last year and this could be a very strong house year. I am also a little more excited about this year because it feels a little different like we are on the verge of major changes leading up to hhn 30. 


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1. Invasion! I'm excited for something different I know that this isn't the ideal location for a zone but I'm looking forward to something different

2. Purge. I've never done a Purge scarezone and think this is the best way to represent this property. I enjoy the movies also

3. Trick R  Treat. I watched the movie a long time ago and don't remember being super impressed by it but still excited to see how it looks

4. Festival of the Deadliest. dont know what this zone will be like and that is exciting for me haven't seen any pictures yet 

5. Altars of Horror. Remember this from HHN 25 and wasn't impressed and always seemed to have bad timing or no patience to just sit and wait




1. Dead Waters. Think there could be a variety of environments and characters

2. Scarecrow the Reaping. Classic Halloween trope should be good makes me think of one of my favorite episodes of Tales from the Crypt

3. The Fallen. Not really sure what to expect, but could be wind up depending on where creative goes with the concept. I'm afraid the subject matter might have made Uni tone down some of the story elements in fear of religious backlash

4. The Shining. Simply excited to see how it will visually represented

5. AHS. Roanoke was a great season for scares and gore , coven not so much, and asylum should be good as well. I watch the show and it seems like it hits it peak around episode 4 or 5 and then limps to the finish hoepfully this house won't

6. Hive. Happy it's feral vampires 

7. Ash vs Evil Dead. Don't watch the show, and not a huge of the movies 

8. Horrors of Blumhouse. The name bothers me way more than it should, why not Blumhouse of Horrors??!! Like the Purge movies, the first Sinister, and the conjouring movies not sure how this house will flow or work. Wish they had made a house with only supernatural elements and left Purge to the streets

9. Saw. Think this will be like walking through a torture museum not scary to me just watching other people scream and beg for help


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1. Trick 'R Treat- I mean, who here HASN'T BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!? Although it's not a house, if the scare zone kills (which I'm willing to bet it will) then we can only hope and pray for a house next year. I may have to break my rule of not taking pictures with the actors so I can have a picture with Sam. 

2. Alters of Horror- It's actually really an interesting scare zone to have a mashup of everything waiting for you inside the houses. Although this may be a scheme to have more pictures posted online (of things such as Sinister, Insidious, AHS, Saw), I'm excited to see how it's planned out.

3.  Festival of the Deadliest- I feel like this will end up being the best scare zone, however I'm a little skeptical. It may be like Esqueleto Muerte but without all the showy lights and more scares. 

4. Invasion! - I hope this is really cool. I just am always disappointed with alien stuff and don't find it scary. Hopefully the 1955 retro aspect makes this amazing, because that's all I'm holding on to!

5. The Purge- Done it before. Also, seeing it in a house and having it's own scare zone I'm not that excited. Of course Election Year had great masks and people, I'm still not expecting too much. Hate to say it, but I feel like The Purge is becoming the new TWD. 




1. Horrors of Blumhouse- I don't get scared too easily during movies. Sinister makes me tear up when I think about it. Honestly, I've been waiting for a house to scare me enough to make me feel nervous and I think this will do it. Insidious is also an old favorite of mine (since the house a couple years ago). The Purge I can do without, however I'm excited for it. 

2. Saw: The Games of Jigsaw- I've been rewatching all 7 Saws this past week and it still reigns as my favorite franchise ever. I want this house to be even more gory than my first year (2009) and to have the same last room (I still remember that room with the most vivid memory)! 

3. Ash Vs. Evil Dead- This is one of my favorite tv shows and I'm so excited for this house. I'm not sure if it will focus more on the movies or the show, even though I believe it will be more show. This will probably be the fun house, which usually makes it go to the top, so we will have to see my rankings after going!

4. Scarecrow: The Reaping- My guess: think Gothic with scarecrows and during the Dust Bowl. Hopefully this doesn't go so western that it makes me think "WHERE'S MY GOLD". 

5. AHS- I loved last years maze, which I'm shocked cause I didn't think it would be so amazing. This year has Roanoke, Asylum and Coven, which are arguably the best seasons. Super excited.

6. The Shinning- Okay, I still have to watch this movie and that's why it's so low. I would not rate it, however I do have some excitement because I know of the maze, Redrum, and the Twins. I'm watching this movie next week before I go, so maybe that will change my mind on it's ranking. 

7. The Fallen- I'm really excited about this because it's you stuck in the middle of a war. I love these kind of mazes and it sounds really intriguing. I'm not sure what to expect, which makes it more enticing to go in.

8. Hive- Vampires are cool. I just never really get scared by them. Hopefully this year that changes.

9. Dead Waters- I have a lot of mixed feelings on this. Bayou of Blood was mediocre, and considering this is sort of the same thing than that's all I can expect. I feel like it may come in and surprise everyone, however I'm not too excited about it. HOS has the same type of voodoo swamp theme every year and they do it very cheesy but perfect. I just hope HHN doesn't copy it and make it exactly like it. 


PS. Making this list just made me realize that I'm actually really really excited for every house this year. We have a nice balance of old/new stuff and IP/Original houses. Going to be an amazing year!

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1) Invasion (#1 with a bullet)

2) Trick r Treat 

3) Festival of the Deadliest

51) The Purge

100) Altars of Horror (because I really dislike photo op scarezones)



1) The Fallen

2) Dead Waters

3) Scarecrows
4) Hive

5) Ash v Evil Dead

6) American Horror Story

7) Blumhouse

8) The Shining (Hoping it's a surprise hit like Exorcist; expectations are very low)

Infinity+1) Saw (As much interest as I'd have for another year of TWD)


My expectations overall are very high for this year, in light of AHS being so far down on my list and it being a top house from last year.  HHN is still all about the originals for me.


Saw just doesn't belong here...  Hoping the whole "you are in the trap" thing will somehow work out.

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