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Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure

Mark M.

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I DON’T expect the Bill and Ted writers to throw in any racial jokes, but if they choose to then Donald Trump is the perfect scapegoat. It will only work if another actor/actress insults Trump or calls him stupid. I can think of several examples of pointless jokes and how they made it in the show. Paula Deen is an “accidental racist” but Django says that shit all the time and gets paid millions of dollars. Donald Sterling is tired of “those people” (soon revealed as college hooligans) but the audience was distracted by eye candy when the woman came out to ask if Donald is coming to bed. A failed joke was when the villain from Hellboy states “give me that crown or die human” and the Joker says “too late.” The joke failed because the only remark afterwards was Hellboy saying “dude, not cool.” In summary, if they want to make jokes about black people, Mexicans, or Muslims (such a horrible idea for a comedy show and I’m confident they are smart enough to avoid it), the typical audience wouldn’t get it right away as long as there’s a witty comeback or some half naked eye candy. As much as I like the Bill and Ted show, most of the jokes aren’t immediately funny and they have a lag time before any emotion is elicited from the audience. Those few seconds are ways to distract from otherwise pointless and idiotic racial remarks if they follow the formula.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hahahahaha this was awful.


Seriously, I don't get it. Is the Avatar joke still funny after all this time? Is the writer just bitter about getting fired from Disney? Are we supposed to laugh because Kim Kardashian appears for literally five seconds just so they can do a "Hey, it's Kim Kardashian!" joke before she disappears with absolutely no explanation? Why does Abraham Lincoln engage in a poorly choreographed parody of a fighting game against John Wilkes Booth? Was the writer really so tasteless as to have the ghost of Muhammad Ali fight the Ghostbusters?


Is this supposed to be the incredibly popular comedy show that's spent 25 years packing theatres and having superfans sit in the front row to high-five the actors?

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21 minutes ago, Cody said:

hahahahaha this was awful.


Seriously, I don't get it. Is the Avatar joke still funny after all this time? Is the writer just bitter about getting fired from Disney? Are we supposed to laugh because Kim Kardashian appears for literally five seconds just so they can do a "Hey, it's Kim Kardashian!" joke before she disappears with absolutely no explanation? Why does Abraham Lincoln engage in a poorly choreographed parody of a fighting game against John Wilkes Booth? Was the writer really so tasteless as to have the ghost of Muhammad Ali fight the Ghostbusters?


Is this supposed to be the incredibly popular comedy show that's spent 25 years packing theatres and having superfans sit in the front row to high-five the actors?


it does baffle me that year after year this show gets worse and worse. i never understood why it gets so much love. i know it is tradition but the jokes are not even jokes sometimes, 

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The show has had the same writer since 2012, which explains many of the repetitive jokes and references like "THEY HAVE SEX WITH THEIR TAILS" and Kim Kardashian.


It feels like the show has fallen into complacency. There's a fiercely loyal fanbase that continues to see the show over and over and laugh at the non-jokes; I think they'll keep going as long as Bill & Ted exists because they love the idea of the show rather than the content. But this means that the show has no reason to improve. Unless there's another incident where the script horribly offends a bunch of people and Universal forces a change, the same crappy formula can be repeated ad nauseum because it fills seats.


For the past few years, there's been no story. I mean there's technically a villain with a plot, but the amount of time the plot actually takes up isn't even 5 minutes of the total run time. Instead it's just a parade of the year's celebrities and pop culture with little to no context that occasionally gets interrupted to vaguely forward the plot, usually nothing but saying "Let's get back to the plot" and immediately getting sidetracked again. This year outright stops the action to have Abe Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth fight in a Mortal Kombat parody for absolutely no reason. It's baffling.


The quality of the impressions has also gone straight down the toilet. The show used to put at least some kind of effort into its impressions, with proper impersonators who even looked like their characters and good costumes. This year has Batman and Superman make their appearances wearing off-the-shelf pajamas, with Wonder Woman in a cheap Halloween costume. David Bowie and Prince both make appearances in the finale (a much more tasteful tribute than Muhammad Ali, who gets to be a ghost fighting the Ghostbusters) played by whichever women on the cast happened to look the most like them, with Prince outright having cleavage in a visible bra that "he" plays with during his song.


The funniest moment of the show last night was a dancer in the opening trying to take his cape off and his hood getting stuck on his face. I spent the rest of it sitting slack-jawed and wondering when something funny would happen.

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37 minutes ago, Cody said:

I think they'll keep going ... because they love the idea of the show rather than the content. But this means that the show has no reason to improve. ... the same  formula can be repeated ad nauseum because it fills seats.



 A good summary of the modern entertainment industry in general :P

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I have to echo Cody's analysis. I loved the last 3 years under Jason Horne, but his 2012 show was BAD, and this one might be even worse. Sure, the last few years had incredibly loose plots, but they were still somewhat there and had an actual conflict and resolution. This year's show literally ignores the plot the ENTIRE TIME. It doesn't even give the villain a real plan or motive, and it's never resolved. 


I could get over the bad plot, as this is a sketch show. If the jokes and references are good, I'll get over it. But they're not. At. All. Half the show isn't even in the form of jokes. It literally just brings up stuff from the past year of pop culture with no real point, then moves on to the next one. AND PEOPLE STILL LAUGHED. So much of the show is not funny and usually downright annoying (They used Elsa from 2014 just as the freaking Chewbacca Mom? Really???). The actress that plays Hillary Clinton does her SO well and is the one part of the show I really like. The rest, including the decent opening and awful finale, is something I have no intentions of seeing again. 


The finale uses a remix of that bullshit "Damn, Daniel" stunt from those 2 kids on Snapchat a few months back. That alone should tell you how bad this show is.


The Sex Tail joke is something I enjoy hearing every year, as it's always brought up differently and I still find it funny. This year it's just thrown in for the fuck of it at the last second, and it made it dumb. 


Overall rating: -50/10

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I agree with the above comments. The past 3-years, I would typically see the show about 40 times each year. Maybe the plot was loose, but I thought the jokes and performances were great. This year, I've seen it twice and really struggled the second time not being bored.  While there are a few parts that I really like (Clinton, Pokemon girl, Trump) the rest is pretty dull.  So many great performers acting out such lame material. For me, I'll probably stick with a once per week viewing and hope it gets better with time. 

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very dull show. it almost feels like a high school play in terms of jokes. There was so much stuff to make fun of (That is not related to movies) I know they have to be careful on what they make fun of but.... seems like they left so much stuff out. Last year was better. There were dozens of things that happened this year that should have made it into the show. 
Academy of villains is a much more enjoyable and more entertaining show. I wish Academy of Villains had chairs to sit because I could do that show 20 times (if I wasn't tired of standing) But Bill and Ted.... wow. 

Edited by clash
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15 hours ago, clash said:

very dull show. it almost feels like a high school play in terms of jokes. There was so much stuff to make fun of (That is not related to movies) I know they have to be careful on what they make fun of but.... seems like they left so much stuff out. Last year was better. There were dozens of things that happened this year that should have made it into the show. 
Academy of villains is a much more enjoyable and more entertaining show. I wish Academy of Villains had chairs to sit because I could do that show 20 times (if I wasn't tired of standing) But Bill and Ted.... wow. 


Agreed. They should just swap the two shows next year and it'd be perfect. Academy of Villains is so freaking good, especially compared to the stinker B&T is this year. 

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   Wow, I couldn't possibly disagree with everyone more. Academy of Villains is terrible and Bill and Ted is alot of fun. I just don't get a Halloween theme from a just a dance show with the most generic song choices possible. The shadow portion was kind of neat, but the rest was not. I especially hated the part where it was like, "Hey check out this guy! He can do backflips while holding a skateboard for some reason! Also, he can play a rudimentary hard rock drumbeat for twelve seconds! And he can do this..." No thanks.

     The fun in the Bill and Ted show is seeing what the actors you've been watching for years get to do this year. It's kind of like American Horror Story in that respect. Yes, it is sometimes disappointing when they don't get a role that really showcases their talent. "Do you want to eat a snow cone?" brought the house down every show in 2014, this year that actress only gets to do Chewbacca Mom and Melissa McCarthy. But she still finds a way to make those short scenes with those characters as awesome as possible. This years standouts have been Rylo and Hillary so far

    I think this years show does have about the same amount of plot as the last 15 years of the show I have seen. It's so strange people's tendency to think something used to be amazing but now it's just crap. There have been some real awful years of this show, but I don't think this is one of them.

    The avatar joke has to keep happening at least until the land opens. That's the whole point. "If anyone still gives a shit!"

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I remember when I used to see Bill & Ted once every night, always making sure to fit it in between houses.


Since 2014, I've seen it once to say that I've done it and then ignored it for the rest of the year. This time, Academy of Villains is going to be my go-to show.

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Saw B&T twice the 3 times I attended...enjoyed it MORE the 2nd time (had a better seat almost dead center which enhanced the show IMO).


I have to admit, probably since 2010 or so the show has become more like that HORRIBLE flick "Disaster Movie" then a full on show with a plot...gonna date myself, but LOVED the B&T show when it was STRICTLY movies...now celebrities (Kim K...argh!) and even internet stars are showing up...riiiiiight. Thank goodness I have 2 kids (one a teen & one a pre-teen) that keep up with all this stuff and share it with me throughout the year, otherwise I'd be LOST!  Funniest bid was indeed Hillary pouring hot sauce on herself & dancing in sync with Beyonce (I LOL'd, I'll fess up) & Kylo Ren's whining.


Its an entertaining show and a good 25+ mins of getting off my exhausted feet!  For the record, Academy of Villians we absolutely LOVED! My daughter is in dance and after the show was over BOTH my kids wished the show was longer! Needless to say, we saw it again the next night, this time at the very front (my daughter posted the shadow scene on YT).

Edited by jorgito2001
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Yes, it definitely gets better with repeated viewings. If you didn't think any of the jokes were funny, I guess it's not for you. I think there are several good jokes in the show, and they came up with a clever mechanism for having all these random characters show up. Some years they don't bother with any explanation at all.

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On 9/25/2016 at 2:49 PM, Primusjim said:

   Wow, I couldn't possibly disagree with everyone more. Academy of Villains is terrible and Bill and Ted is alot of fun. I just don't get a Halloween theme from a just a dance show with the most generic song choices possible. The shadow portion was kind of neat, but the rest was not. I especially hated the part where it was like, "Hey check out this guy! He can do backflips while holding a skateboard for some reason! Also, he can play a rudimentary hard rock drumbeat for twelve seconds! And he can do this..." No thanks.

     The fun in the Bill and Ted show is seeing what the actors you've been watching for years get to do this year. It's kind of like American Horror Story in that respect. Yes, it is sometimes disappointing when they don't get a role that really showcases their talent. "Do you want to eat a snow cone?" brought the house down every show in 2014, this year that actress only gets to do Chewbacca Mom and Melissa McCarthy. But she still finds a way to make those short scenes with those characters as awesome as possible. This years standouts have been Rylo and Hillary so far

    I think this years show does have about the same amount of plot as the last 15 years of the show I have seen. It's so strange people's tendency to think something used to be amazing but now it's just crap. There have been some real awful years of this show, but I don't think this is one of them.

    The avatar joke has to keep happening at least until the land opens. That's the whole point. "If anyone still gives a shit!"


you are blinded by bill and ted nostalgia then lol

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I thought it was just me who thought B&T was stupid.. and I chalked it up to being much older than most of you.  However, I actually didn't miss a single reference - it's just that I thought it was all stupid.  I was also kind of annoyed that they chose to spend several minutes making fun of Hillary but probably less than a minute making fun of Trump.  Totally didn't expect that since the man practically writes the jokes for them.  So, yeah, that was annoying.  


I have only seen the show once, but I'm sure I'll have to see twice more because of people we are bringing along who haven't seen it yet on two different weekends.  Hopefully, it will improve.  I did not see the other show yet , but I plan on making that a priority tomorrow night!

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