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Halloween Horror Nights 26 Discussion

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10 hours ago, danny_p said:

Never knew they did a social media meetup?. My girlfriend and I are flying down thursday morning and only going to HHN that night then flying home Friday afternoon. We both don't have the extended free time this year to spend more days. Is this something they've done in the past? I signed up got nothing to lose other than not trying. How are they promoting it like only via following their blog? Because I think mad amounts of people would jump all over the opportunity.

I found it on the HHN Orlando twitter. I don't really know any more info then what's posted as I've never done it before. I signed up to because like you said why not, there's no harm in doing it. Good luck to you and I hope you get chosen.

Edited by MercWithAMouth67
grammar mistake
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11 hours ago, danny_p said:

Never knew they did a social media meetup?. My girlfriend and I are flying down thursday morning and only going to HHN that night then flying home Friday afternoon. We both don't have the extended free time this year to spend more days. Is this something they've done in the past? I signed up got nothing to lose other than not trying. How are they promoting it like only via following their blog? Because I think mad amounts of people would jump all over the opportunity.

Man, me and my gf are only there for 3 nights and I was already complaining about not being there long enough! Hope you enjoy everything in the night you are there! 

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Happy Opening!!! Does anyone know from the Big Theme Park Media (Inside the Magic, Attraction Magazine, etc.) that we will be getting trailer like clips from in the mazes like last year or full blown maze videos? Most likely the trailer like clips but I was curious if anyone has heard!

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48 minutes ago, danny_p said:

Last year in the Universal park app I swear they had wait times for the houses in the app. I'm about to re-download it to check for myself. Can anyone else confirm?.

Yeah, as far as I know the app ain't doing any good. The main website has a wait time tab but it just tells you where the schedule boards are in the park. Let's hope that the app gets updated soon.

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I went by Krampus a second time later on and it was closed again. Looked like it had re-opened and then shut down. I didn't stick around for it to re-open again. I'll try again on Sunday. Anyone find out what was going on?


Overall, a very successful night. Got through 8 of 9 houses in about 3 hours with Express. Longest Express line was AHS (about 25 minutes and the screen said 80 for regular). Most of the others didn't have much of a wait at all.



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The chance scarezone  is creating a Huge traffic jam of people because everyone stops to look at chance and take pics. Today at 9 there was a big crowd around her. but no one seemed to mind. makes me wonder how it will affect the flow of people in the future 


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Very busy opening night, and every single person seemed to have express or GAC. Seriously, at every house we had to wait to have our express checked because at least one group was having their return time written down on their GAC. All of the houses are at least pretty good with no awful houses. And there are several great houses, so we are happy.

Here's our first impressions:


1 - American Horror Story

2 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre

3 - Halloween 2

4 - Ghost Town

5 - Exorcist

6 - Walking Dead 5

7 - Krampus

8 - Temple of the Ancients

9 - Lunatics in 3D


Bill and Ted was good, although I don't think my favorite dancer is there this year.

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16 minutes ago, Jediwhit82 said:

Why is Ghost Town all over the place in rankings?


Relies way too much on guns to really scare for me but I caught a couple of scares I hadn't seen first run last night, so it gets above scarless Lunatics.


But the scares seem to work for other people. The settings are great. I admittedly feel like some people might be nostalgia biased though I'm just probably talking out of my ass here.


If needed, move this to the Ghost Town thread, mods.

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55 minutes ago, myke895 said:

Quick question, do any of the houses this year have the vortex tunnel? Some people in my group have a hard time with it and want to be ready. 


The tunnel in previous years never bothered me but this year i got very dizzy and felt like falling. 

The patterns painted in the tunnel are stronger or something. The house itself is not that cool so u guys wouldnt be missing much.

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Police were called to Tomb of the Ancients about midway through Saturday night. According to a scareactor, a man was caught dragging his unconscious girlfriend's body through the house.


Setting the bar high this year, huh?

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7 minutes ago, Cody said:

Police were called to Tomb of the Ancients about midway through Saturday night. According to a scareactor, a man was caught dragging his unconscious girlfriend's body through the house.


Setting the bar high this year, huh?


Jesus... I have seen and heard many a things between working haunts myself and friends who have worked other haunts and HHN in the past, but that is a new one. 

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