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HHN 25 Meet-up Thread

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This thread has become confusing to many members so I have decided to stop updating it. Mods, feel free to delete.

Sept. 18-foREVer56, JDW

Sept. 19-foREVer56

Sept. 24-foREVer56

Sept. 25-foREVer56

Sept. 26-foREVer56

Sept. 27-foREVer56

Oct. 1-

Oct. 2-

Oct. 3-Reaper

Oct. 4-

Oct. 7-

Oct. 8-

Oct. 9-

Oct. 10-

Oct. 11-

Oct. 14-

Oct. 15-

Oct. 16-YouDontKnowJack

Oct. 17-YouDontKnowJack

Oct. 18-

Oct. 21-

Oct. 22-

Oct. 23-

Oct. 24-

Oct. 25-

Oct. 28-

Oct. 29-

Oct. 30-

Oct. 31-

Nov. 1-


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Ah, I guess there was a bit of a misunderstanding. This thread is more so an opportunity to see if you should look out for someone if they are attending on the same night as you. My intention was not a full-blown meetup, though that would be a good idea. I'll see what I can do to change the wording. 

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I've been going to HHN since 1998 but I missed last year.  My usual partner in crime might not be able to go this year either so if there is a group meeting up, maybe I could tag along.  If there is a group that meets up together, are there typically goals of content to go through or an idea of how much you'll see?  I don't know how many times I'll be going this year so aside from the Bill & Ted show, I am hoping to hit as many haunted houses as possible.  But if I stumble onto the cast changes with the performances in the scarezones I wouldn't mind seeing that stuff either. :)

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Frequent Fear Passholder w/ Express here. As much as this sounds sad, depressing and a little embarrassing, but I'll be attending MOST nights alone. So if any one here is in the same boat as I am, hit me up! I'd love some company from fellow HHN nerds. ^_^

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I'll be going on the 2nd only, so pardon me if I'm less in a meet-up mode and more in a "I GOTTA GO HERE THEN THERE AND THIS WAY RIGHT NOW" mood :P However, I will base my plan of attack based on what others here have tried, and if others here do that too, then I may very well run into someone!

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There's a HHN group on facebook.  3 of us there are planning to meet up tomorrow night around 6pm.

The group is here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/2205223235/ I hope it is ok to mention that since groups aren't competition for forums really...not if you want meaningful conversations over time anyway.

My facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/scithe?_rdr=p  so if you don't want to go alone please send me a message and I can give ya the exact spot that we're meeting.  The more the better... my jokes and puns are terribad so the more that are there the better the odds are that at least 1 guy or gal will be a dork too and laugh! :D

So far we're all strangers so in that sense we'll be on equal ground.  I'm not a murderer and I'm hoping none of you guys are either. :)



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