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Asylum In Wonderland 3D

Mark M.

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well besides the In Between, what other 3D house was the best?? (Before the In Between was made?) 

Most of them tend to be "okay" to say the least. Not sure why they keep coming back (Unless it just happens to be a budget issue, are they cheaper to make than a full scale house? )

The only one I remember being decent was Jack's Funhouse. 2007 maybe? Even then, it was good, hardly one of the best ever.  Even In-Between, easily best 3-D house, ever, doesn't crack my personal top 25.

I suspect you're onto something with them being cheaper to make. A lot of painted walls in lieu of real life sets.

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Probably for more diversity? I honestly prefer the 3D houses. I enjoy the trippy aspect of the houses. Sure it's not "omg I'm going to die because everything is so realistic scary". Not everything has to be pop out and make loud sounds kind of scares. But they are amusing to go through. I also wonder as I don't drink or smoke, what it's like to go into a 3D house either drunk or stoned. Maybe that's part of it? Gotta be a little drunk to fully appreciate how crazy the house is? 

It is not even about  being scary. The Alice House could have been so good if they did it the regular way. Imagine Uni building that world. The house still has elements that are cool. 
But just trying to imagine how great a full house would have been makes me kinda sad. (I am a big fan of Alice in Wonderland) There are so many things you can do with that property. so many different sets that could have been made. so many props...
I know there is no point in crying over something that will never happen,  what's done is done. I'm just saying maybe 3D houses should take a 5 year rest or something

Well take your pic:

1999 - Universal's Creature Features in 3-D!
2000 - Anxiety in 3D (Jack)
2003 - Funhouse of Fear (Jack)
2004 - Disorintorium (Not technically a 3D house but should have been)
2007 - Jack's Funhouse in Clown-O-Vision (Jack)
2011 - The In-Between in 3D
2012 - Penn & Tell New(kd) Las Vegas in 3D
2013 - After Life: Death's vengeance
2015 - Asylum In Wonderland 3D

I think, honestly (aside from The In-Between) the Clown ones worked the best. Just seems clown and 3D go hand in hand. Although I remember thinking Creature Feature was neat but that was because it was new.

But yeah they are cheaper. They are Black walls with paint. they don't need the details. A really nice 4K sq ft 3D haunt can actually be bought for about 275K. To be fair Universal steps it up in comparison to a lot of 3D houses... But they are a vestige of home haunts and side show carnivals for the most part. I think it's just kind of a tradition that has hung around that reminds people of little mom and pop haunts.

I had no idea there were this many (I never visited half of them) It seems like they used to skip a lot more before. (In 5 years we have only skipped once) 

from 2007 to 2011 nothing. that's interesting. I wonder why are they having a 3D house almost every year now. 

Edited by clash
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It is not even about  being scary. The Alice House could have been so good if they did it the regular way. Imagine Uni building that world. The house still has elements that are cool. But just trying to imagine how great a full house would have been makes me kinda sad. (I am a big fan of Alice in Wonderland) There are so many things you can do with that property. so many different sets that could have been made. so many props...
I know there is no point in crying over something that will never happen,  what's done is done. I'm just saying maybe 3D houses should take a 5 year rest or something

I think that is exactly it and kinda what I was talking about during speculation time. During speculation when we weren't 100% if the house would be 3D or not I was praying and wished desperately that it wouldn't be 3D because they are so light on the set pieces. I haven't been yet but from what I've seen...is it a good 3D house? Sure! but what could have been is the most disappointing pill to swallow. Considering how strong the scarezone was in 18 and like you said Clash I am a huge lover of the Alice and twisted Wonderland aesthetic and just knowing what HHN is capable of I wish we didn't get it discounted and got a full on "normal" house showcasing the talent of Universal and giving us an amazing house to represent Asylum in Wonderland. Just it isn't bad but we all know what it could have been and that is so upsetting. 

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I think they've become basically a staple since 2011 (there was even one planned for last year before From Dusk Till Dawn took it's place) because it's something the GP tends to enjoy. Hollywood's been doing it every year for the longest time and it always seems to gather a long line over there. But even with 3D, if the house isn't very good, like Afterlife, it won't gather a long line, like Afterlife. Considering where that house was, 75 min being the peak for that house on any night is pretty sad. 

Asylum has potential to be a fun house to walk through. It's not scary, but it has some cool rooms and is decently disorienting. I'm in the camp that wanted this as a regular, Scary Tales style house. It would've been magnificent.

And The In-Between was completely a fluke. I don't expect them to ever top that one. 3D houses are REALLY hard to make great, and they nailed that one. I don't know wtf they were doing when they were planning 2011's event, but they made an event so good that year that the freakin 3D house won house of the year. 

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Sorry for nitpicking but Jack wasn't actually involved in the Funhouse of Fear in 2003. There were a couple of easter egg references to him, like there would be many years later in Giggles & Gore but he was not in the house.

You're right Doc! Forgot about that.

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I think The In-Between worked best because out of every house on that list, it was one of the very few to actually have a purpose in a serious horror house beyond a gimmick. Most of the houses have been funhouse or otherwise relatively comedic, especially with clowns. The In-Between and After Life are really the only two I can definitively say were trying to use 3D for a serious horror purpose rather than a gimmick.


Asylum in Wonderland isn't very funny, but it also doesn't really use the 3D to enhance the setting or horror. In-Between and After Life required 3D to achieve the otherworldly dimension they were trying to portray, but Asylum uses it to make the scenes trippy and add a small amount of disorientation.

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Horrible house. They had a really great idea and completely fell on its face in execution. The ending rooms were enjoyable. The 3D was, as usual, extremely bad.

I walked through it again Sunday thinking I might have just not had a good run, but it made me hate it even more.  I laughed out loud, and not in a good way.  Awful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My opinion needs to be on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my favorite house of the year, and if it weren't for Dream Warriors, it'd be my favorite house I've ever been to since I started going annually back in 07. 

Here's why: it doesn't lose anything in repetition.


Other people have said that this house isn't meant to have scares in it, but meant to be fun and trippy to walk through. It is. But I think it has scares - one of my friends was SO SCARED by one of the cardfolk that he praised him to guest services, his pulse still pounding like 4 hours later. 

It also has an awesome storyline that gets deeper and deeper (tee hee hee) the more you know about it and think about it. 

Put these two things together, and here's what happens if you're a jaded HHN vet: the first time you go through, you know where all the scares are coming from and you just look around this CRAZY house with awesome gorgeous visuals (with or without the glasses btw). You'll see something new every time in every room. Because you can tell that they spent a million hours planning and painting. This is a definite labor of love ...... Vs something like The Walking Dead, which I kinda get the feeling the people who build it had the same feeling as myself and some others of like 'oh this again.' 

And then you can go through again, and the experience in the same place will be different. And again. And again. And again with a different friend. And again in a different part of the line.... Hell, I did the tour today with the lights on (though it's still really dark) and it was awesome, and I can't wait til I can do it again with the lights out. Then again. And again. 


I hit this house every time I go. I can't say that about any other house or scarezone ever, including this year.... There's just no way you're not going to have a good time in here. Scares or no. And to me ...... I go through the houses only to have fun, since I don't really get scares. I haven't gotten one since .... I honestly can't remember. It's all about atmosphere and fun for me, because that's what it's about for the scareactors too for the most part. You'd have to be a sociopath to get that job with a Reason #1 not being "cus it's fun." 


Ever watch Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show? It's impossible not to enjoy it - he's just having SO MUCH FUN. I feel like this house is the Jimmy Fallon of houses. Comedians like Daniel Tosh just say that it's butt-kissing when Jimmy Fallon just always acts like the world's biggest fan of everything, but I think it's just to amp up the intensity and joy of everyone involved. I mean ... The first Wonderland scareactor you see is on a TRAMPOLINE.  


Yah this ousted Dollhouse as my 'favorite but for freddy07' because dollhouse was just ... Creepy. The whole way through. Just.... Like.... Get me the hell out of here. Even/Especially with the lights on.  It was pretty much the worst thing that ever happened.


PS --  I highly doubt that my friend's comment at guest service got to the scareactor so ..... If anyone knows the scareactor(s) that play the cards that stand still until some dummin like my friend walks up to them then SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF THEM.... Tell them they rule. 

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Couldn't disagree with you more marchofprgoress.

That sentence is completely false. All you said is you disagree, so you are incorrect - that is the bare minimum of disagreement, so literally any more explanation would be disagreeing with me more. Please explain further. I'm interested to know why people hate on this house so much.

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Tweedle Tweak and Tweedle Twerk are awesome at a double scare. A lady in front of me got so scared because they both jumped out at the same time she ran into the next room.

I would have loved the Cheshire cat to have had a bigger role in this house. I would have loved a pitch black hallway with a smiling face at the end of the hall and it fades out, and then a 1, 2, 3 strobe effect of Cheshire cat faces on the wall, and then a scare at the end of the hallway by a scareactor.

Edited by coleman2122
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Tweedle Tweak and Tweedle Twerk are awesome at a double scare. A lady in front of me got so scared because they both jumped out at the same time she ran into the next room.

I would have loved the Cheshire cat to have had a bigger role in this house. I would have loved a pitch black hallway with a smiling face at the end of the hall and it fades out, and then a 1, 2, 3 strobe effect of Cheshire cat faces on the wall, and then a scare at the end of the hallway by a scareactor.

the scarezone in 2008 also never had a cheshire cat actor either. I wonder why uni never made  a costume? too hard? 

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I have to say, I really like this house. I think a big part of it is the music, which I find extremely fun and fitting. I've been listening to it on Spotify all month. I think a lot of the appeal to this house is personal interests. I really really love just how trippy it is, and that kind of disorientation it super cool to me. But, I can totally see how someone who doesn't really care for that aesthetic wouldn't care for it. I'd say this is one of the more divisive houses of the year.  

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I went through this house again last night and there was an inflatable wall before the house with all the off'd heads... WTH - they added stuff right up until the very last day?? Since I can't vote for 25 for house of the year (it's more than one house!) this blows all the others away. I'd say I wish I lived there but .. I .. I really don't.. 

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I went through this house again last night and there was an inflatable wall before the house with all the off'd heads... WTH - they added stuff right up until the very last day?? Since I can't vote for 25 for house of the year (it's more than one house!) this blows all the others away. I'd say I wish I lived there but .. I .. I really don't.. 

It had the inflatable wall from the beginning. They just didn't always inflate it. It slows the line down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It had the inflatable wall from the beginning. They just didn't always inflate it. It slows the line down.

I became aware of that only on the last day. Which is weird, since I went to UTH  and didn't even notice. 

I'd never been to a UTH tour with a house with these inflatowalls...... What do they look like uninflated? I imagined that they looked like garbage bags, so there'd be no way at all to NOT notice them with the lights on, but I definitely didn't, and neither did My Betrothed. 


It sucks it slows the line down so much (it dddddddefinitely does, even for people like me who try to be considerate and not slow the line down...).... Because that was one of the most horrifying experiences of the whole event for me, if not THE most horrifying. I don't see so well, so I look out for my girl in front of me (and in some rooms with smoke/mirrors/total darkness I literally put my hand on her shoulder) ... But that separated me from her, and even though I had been through that house a billion times (another one I actually waited on the REAL LINE for - ew!!!), including UTH ...... That freaked me out. 

That was partly because I think the walls "breathed" - do they? That is, do they periodically deflate and inflate? 

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  • 1 month later...

Few random questions about this house

1. What the hell does one of the Alice's say in the "I'm not Crazy" room? I assume these are played over the speakers and not actor spoken, but they say "I know you" "Help me" and "Yes" followed by a creepy laugh. But I cannot understand what the fourth line is. Sounds like she says "I'm a ____"


2.Was the music that's played in the final "Asylum" room ever found?

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