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Scary Tales: Screampunk

Mark M.

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Guest kiwisoup

I think this will be an interesting scarezone. I'm hoping for lots of props, because that's what kept Maskerade from being great. I'm intrigued to see what the exact steampunk adjustments will be. 

I think it's the location that's prohibitive. It's the main path down from the entrance right smack in the middle of the most popular rides during the daytime, and the Superstar Parade goes right down that street. They are restricted to things that don't have a large footprint, hang above the streets, or things that can be moved nightly. That's why we only got two big candlesticks and a chandelier last year. From the concept art, you can see that we are getting steampunk hot air balloons. I'm wondering if they will be hanging above the streets...

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I think this zone is the one I am looking forward to the least. It just doesn't sound exciting to me but hey! Those are usually the ones I end up liking the most.

Really? Have you ever played American McGee's Alice?

Granted Steampunk is played out. I would love to see something like AMA's characters come to life.


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The Scary Tales scream zone (Avenue of the Stars)  will show off the best fairy tale characters with a steampunk twist. Oh, also a gruesome twist. For instance, Wallace said Cinderella will have her iconic glass slipper sticking out of her skull, while Prince Charming suffers a similar fate with a glass slipper through his heart. Still, can’t get much worse than Belle getting slashed and mauled by the Beast.

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I think this area really needs "vertical" scares or distractions like the flying monkeys in Pathway of the Wiked or the stilt actors Maskerade. It's great to have actors above and then have someone scare you while your looking. The problem with this area is its a giant intersection between the sound stages, Hollywood and the exit so most people are going to brush past it.

Ive only seen a ten second clip on periscope but it looks like that's happening and I honestly will probably do the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This zone... was interesting. I didn't know who a lot of the characters were (I thought Belle was Jane from Tarzan).. but it was a pretty zone.

A lot of people did! I think it was her helmet and weapon that did it. It SCREAMS Jane. I have a somewhat list from what I've seen.

  • Belle
  • Prince Charming
  • Cinderella
  • Wicked Witch of the West
  • Snow White
  • Maleficent
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Tin Man
  • Huntsman
  • Wolf in the Grandma costume (I feel like I saw this somewhere last year)
  • Beast
  • Little Boy Blue
  • Pinochio
  • Little Bo Peep

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm putting in my two cents, though I am not able to go so my thing is based on pictures and video.

I'm not a big fan of the costumes. I understand they are trying to make sure people know who is who, but they look so tacky. Some look good and I'm with whoever said that Belle looked like Jane. Belle had a blue outfit, why not use that one. Prince Charming looked really blah, it's his outfit with belts and goggles. They could have gone imaginative with this.

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Belle has definitely gotten a lot of Jane confusion. Tarzan is not a fairy tale/scarytale though.

The main problem lies in the hat/hair. If they would remove the hat and keep bells original hairstyle it would be more noticeable. Janes father has worn the same hat and even her own hat is of similar nature and of course it takes place in a jungle and Belle has beast scratch marks. Belles blue dress could easily been mistaken as Alice. I just think a lot of the problems would be resolved if they removed the hat and gave her that bun updoo thing.

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Um, in spite of some obvious similarities in costume choices, this is NOT officially a "Disney parody zone" but a classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes gone all twisted zone with a Steampunk flavor.

So it would make no sense whatsoever to have Jane from Disney's Tarzan in here. First Tarzan is not a fairy tale, and second that would be simply a full blown invitation to a lawsuit.

Belle is a public domain character from a french fairy tale "La Belle et La Bete" The only similarity with the Disney version is dress and hair color. Frankly I never even thought of Jane, the moment I saw her it was "OMG Belle as a big game hunter, that's so wrong it's right"


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From the official HHN Instagram account, they have her picture (the one with the hat and scars across her face - if this is the one we're talking about) and the official copy mentions her as a "sinister" Jane But then, comments ensue (from what seems like scareactors in the zone) correcting them that it's Belle.Instagram.thumb.jpg.316243099ecc1a190bd8

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Belle has definitely gotten a lot of Jane confusion. Tarzan is not a fairy tale/scarytale though.

The main problem lies in the hat/hair. If they would remove the hat and keep bells original hairstyle it would be more noticeable. Janes father has worn the same hat and even her own hat is of similar nature and of course it takes place in a jungle and Belle has beast scratch marks. Belles blue dress could easily been mistaken as Alice. I just think a lot of the problems would be resolved if they removed the hat and gave her that bun updoo thing.

without the hat it wouldn't look "steampunk" enough lol

maybe a different hat, a different hat would have worked better, a hunting hat, not a safari hat (Where would Belle get a safari/jungle hat like that anyways? 

From the Castle? shouldn't she have something else on for the head? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am sad that there aren't more comments about this scarezone. It had it's problems in the beginning (why did it take three weeks to give Little Boy Blue a horn so that he made sense? And why is the Tin Man costume the same as the one they used in the Oz scarezone?) but this is my favorite zone to park in and watch because the scareactors on both casts work together as a team, bouncing people constantly and making it so that you don't see anybody go through and not get a scare. 

I also love the setpiece. I can't take a bad picture of it.

And I love how they get people in the line to Asylum, and it works every time. It's almost like they should start putting a house in Shrek every year because of it.

And I don't know if this is on purpose or not, but it seems to me that - in one cast maybe more than the other - the evil queen and Snow White are on opposite sides of the centerpiece, while Belle in full Beasthunting gear is usually ...... well, hunting Beast. 

And this is clearly on purpose, but I think the idea that the Tinman is like a short-circuited robot walking in circles is awesome. 

Plus one night I was giving directions on the map and Pinocchio came up and helped me point and made funna me. It was great. 

So.... C'mon guys, more love for the steampunk scary tales!!! 

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Honestly the location is terrible and isn't really something that the actors alone can fix (to me). I get using the front area of the park because you really can't miss it and they seemingly want to occupy the whole park; but I hate it.

When I want to go home at the end of the night I want to GO. I get cranky when tired. I loved both concepts of screampunk and the masquerade last year. LOVED the concept. But I never spend any time in the zones due to location. Every time I've always power walked through them. There's no interesting scenery/backdrop to play off of with props, no food/restaurant to kind of sit at and watch. I don't even think they have benches in the area. 

It's basically a speed bump on my way out and in but it's not an experience. If anything a hoard would do nicely there.. Like walking into the Purge last year was an experience. Walking into Psychoscareapy is an experience. Even Evils Roots while has quick traffic flow you are so closed in and immersed it's so surreal. Each zone feels like you just walked into something. This year when I went through this zone I hardly noticed. Last year it was more noticeable because of the high props, stilts and everyone made sure to shove a candle in my face. 

The zone at the front of the park has nothing going for it to me. Ever. I'm always saddened they put my most anticipated concepts there.


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Honestly the location is terrible and isn't really something that the actors alone can fix (to me). I get using the front area of the park because you really can't miss it and they seemingly want to occupy the whole park; but I hate it.

When I want to go home at the end of the night I want to GO. I get cranky when tired. I loved both concepts of screampunk and the masquerade last year. LOVED the concept. But I never spend any time in the zones due to location. Every time I've always power walked through them. There's no interesting scenery/backdrop to play off of with props, no food/restaurant to kind of sit at and watch. I don't even think they have benches in the area. 

It's basically a speed bump on my way out and in but it's not an experience. If anything a hoard would do nicely there.. Like walking into the Purge last year was an experience. Walking into Psychoscareapy is an experience. Even Evils Roots while has quick traffic flow you are so closed in and immersed it's so surreal. Each zone feels like you just walked into something. This year when I went through this zone I hardly noticed. Last year it was more noticeable because of the high props, stilts and everyone made sure to shove a candle in my face. 

The zone at the front of the park has nothing going for it to me. Ever. I'm always saddened they put my most anticipated concepts there.


you mention the horde, and I think more clowns with chainsaws could have worked here better. They would get the crowd moving more too, I always see people running from them in the Simpsons area. 

My biggest problem with this zone is still that big ass prop they built. It is annoying to be honest, kind of an eye sore and it disrupts the flow of the street. 

 i Think it could have been much better if they had a floating prop hanging from the buildings like they did for last year with the candle holder thing 
I honestly just hate that big prop. I get why they made it and what they were going for with it, but something smaller and more props instead of just one big one would have been much better. 
The giant prop they had was nice looking but it didnt fit the zone at all (in terms of size

Im not sure why the zone was scarier in 08 when it was just wizard of Oz... not sure why. 


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