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HHN 25 Discussion

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The final reason is purely wishful thinking. Rumor/spec is that the Traditionals will be in CP. I really, really want the Skoolhouse to make a glorious return. It would be fabulous, and Jack's show not being there would allow me to keep my hope alive. 

That really would be the greatest having the Skoolhouse return.  Maybe instead of having Bloody Mary appear in any form, they could still sync up the pumpkins to go out after her name is said 3 times.  I loved that in '08.  If that ends up being Jack's stage, that was the only thing that popped up as a concern to me: it seems so close to that traditionals scare zone that it might take away from the ambiance and theme.  But who knows, we'll find out.

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So I'm in the park again and I came to the stage in front of Mel's to see if it really is Jack's Blender....and I think it is. 

It it has the shape of the blender and if you look from behind (not show in the pics) you can kind of see a greenish base (if I recall well Jack's blender had a greenish base). But I also think it would be too early to have a HHN prop on stage ?



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PeoriaBJJ, last year I worked at Roanoke so I had the opportunity to talk to the person who played the voodoo queen.  She said they canceled it because when the show was going on, there weren't enough other scareactors in the scarezone.  Sounds like the tour guide just gave a generic response, which is something I'm very familliar with having been in the theme park industry for the past 3 years!

I do believe that I heard something about someone trying to sue Universal because one of the people in the purge show called their daughter something derogatory though.

This person told me that Uni got a lot of complaints about the races of the actors involved. And who was killing who. Pretty silly but that what she told me.


But back to HHN25... my body is ready.

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This person told me that Uni got a lot of complaints about the races of the actors involved. And who was killing who. Pretty silly but that what she told me.


But back to HHN25... my body is ready.

I heard that it was taken down due to racial controversy, so yeah I think thats what it was. 


The employee news thing about HHN comes out on the 7th.

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I recall reading it was scrapped due to it coinciding with a recent ISIS beheading.  Then I think they took the official public stance that it was cancelled due to congestion.  But as most have said, if they do in fact have a show right there, then we know it wasn't scrapped last year due to congestion.

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Whelp I told ya this would amount to nothing. PS all over again.


they changed their profile pic too....


But who at this point really cares what they are doing with this. Just reveal the house list and SZ and be done with it. Another botched year of teasing.

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I wonder what next year will be like. Marketing did a terrible job this year, the hype fell on its face, failed use of an icon, Mike is seeing some backlash on their social media for various reasons, Scream didn't work out, there's nothing special about its 26th year. Will it be a year to experiment?

Edited by criticalanalysis
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PieCes oF thaT wHicH yoU sOughT to Take frOm hiM... uNtiL wE ReVeal ALL. #JacksManiacs http://bit.ly/SCAINAM 

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YOu tRY to StEAl oUr PLaNs? WE cApTUre YoUR ChaNNelS & SpREaD hIS HorROr! #JacksManiacs #HHN25 http://bit.ly/DeclareHHN25 

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I don't see why they have even bothered with that last video, or any of them. I hate to be negative but I wish they would just release everything now, what in the hell are they waiting for other than to just annoy us? 

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You aTtemPted to sTeaL Our sEcreTs, so We tOok yoUr PeopLe. FoR hiM. To be bRouGht to hiS sTaGe … foR hiS PleaSuRe.

Now, wE taKe yoUr chANneLs. EverY hoUr We mAke yOU wiTneSs tO hiS hOrroR beFoRe wE, JaCk’S MaNiaCS, reVeaL ALL HalloWeeN HorRor NigHts 25 in…

OMG BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wait... this isn't supposed to be funny?!?

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Buh, terrible. Only interesting to come out of this is the "every hour" thing. That's a whole lot of stuff to post leading up to the reveal. Part of me thinks it will just be 36 pictures of Jack chronologically from when he was introduced until now.

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Oh my god, this has got to be the worst tweet.


Universal Orlando retweeted HHN - Orlando

Oh no! Not them...the Maniacs have taken over!

Universal Orlando added,

HHN - Orlando @HorrorNightsORL
YOu tRY to StEAl oUr PLaNs? WE cApTUre YoUR ChaNNelS & SpREaD hIS HorROr! #JacksManiacs #HHN25 http://bit.ly/DeclareHHN25 
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It seems as though if you do the Jack's Maniacs thing on your Twitter, then @HorrorNightsORL will eventually tweet some kind of message from Jack back to you.  Wonder if that's how they are doing the "every hour" thing.. because it seems to be moving slow.

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