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Need someone to roll with? - Did anyone else buy the Frequent Fear Plus w/ express?


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Hello everyone!

Does anyone need someone to roll with? I had someone back out of the FPP+express due to money issues and I don't want to have to roll to HHN every night alone. Anyone else in a similar situation?

I was wondering if anyone was interested in meeting up or having a group to roll with this year for HHN. I bought the Frequent Fear Plus w/ express - did anyone else splurge on it?

Let me know if you want to meet up - I will be going probably the majority if not all nights that the pass covers - johnnybronto@gmail.com

Johnny Bronto

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Another vote for looking for peeps with Nightmares shirts. I wear mine probably about half the time and alternate with vintage Vault and other HHN years. Feel free to join me if you see me & the hubby. We're there almost every night we can be with FFP+exp. We usually start out in the holding pen in the kid area, although sometimes we start at Finngenan's. My picture is on the photo thread, but just look for some crazy old short reddish-brown haired woman with glasses carrying a little Freddy Krueger doll.

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