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How will the websites be preserved?

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Flash will end after this December, so I don’t think we’ll be able to access the fun stuff in the websites like the patient files, Bloody Mary journal entries, and Terra Cruentus map anymore. I think one of the Reaper Audio Mixes has the 2009 audio but other than that; is there anyway the website data can somehow be preserved for fans to access.


i think I remember reading somewhere that some guy named Nick (I think he used to own HorrorNights.be but it’s shut down) had a file containing the audio of the websites but I can’t find it anywhere so it could just be me misremembering. Maybe someone has YouTube videos of it? 

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On 12/25/2020 at 4:15 PM, Panacea said:

I've been going through the websites for HHN 14 - 21 using a screen recorder, and I'm going to upload all of them onto YouTube.

Don’t know if you went through these already but here’s some others just in case:


And a different index page for 2008



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