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Horror Unearthed 2012

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Me and my husband got our cards tonight.there were some technical errors for a while but tj worked with us and got our cards working after a few reboots. Cant wait to see how things will unfold! Met Rick too, thanks to them for all the help tonight!

Same thing for me, though sadly TJ wasn't there when I got mine. Only one of the computers was working at the time. Also, if you used Safari to sign up, you'll need to sign up again at their kiosk because apparently Safari is causing issues.

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I am such a stupid moron...

I think I forgot my log in info..... there is no "forgot your password" option or anything.....

There's also no way to update your notifications. For some reason, my preferences didn't stick when I registered, so I don't get texts or emails or anything. :/

The scanners for both Gothic and Dead End were not working. So although people did complete the task, they didn't get credit for it.

My Gothic scan didn't come through, glad to know it wasn't just me, though that does suck for people who completed the task.

Edited by eisforemily
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The scanners for both Gothic and Dead End were not working. So although people did complete the task, they didn't get credit for it.

I KNEW IT!! Got up this morning and checked my email, and I only got 5 of the 7 badges even though we went thru all houses. Bummer... didn't know until reading this that completing all 7 was now a "task". Haven't been able to get on the game this morning for some reason. <sigh> Have to try again tonight!

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Perhaps we'll still get the credit for those houses later on? I remember hearing that people scanned at the houses last week but the scanners weren't working. However, they fixed some glitches with the system and people were awarded their badges a few days ago well after the event was over. I say just give it time :)

I'm kinda bummed though to have missed out on 'completing' our task for this because of the glitch. Hopefully there will be a pretty decent award that comes along with going through all the houses this week if it does indeed get fixed :)

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think we might have another cheater. Just watched Joseph D jump about 40K in 2 hours....

I'm wondering about him too. It took me 6-8 hours to jump 49k yesterday, and I was playing fast. I will say that I've knocked him out of 1st a couple of times, though, so maybe he is legit.

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I'm kinda bummed though to have missed out on 'completing' our task for this because of the glitch. Hopefully there will be a pretty decent award that comes along with going through all the houses this week if it does indeed get fixed :)

We still don't know that the task was limited to last night. It could be that each task lasts for a week or something and for now they just want us to visit all of the houses at least once before we get into the puzzle part of the game.

Okay, so I am finally going to the park this Sunday (only day possible in my schedule). After entering the park, where should I go to pick up my card? I keep reading that people have picked them up, but my question is where?

Go immediately to your left upon entering the turnstiles. You'll see big posters with all of the legion symbols. There are three lines: one for registering on the website (if you haven't already), one for picking up passcards, and then one for activating the passcard once you've got it. They've been having some technical difficulties, though, so the activation line tends not to move very fast.

Are all of the cards for the in-park part gone now?

There were still cards at 10:30 last night, and they said they would continue handing them out tonight as well, so they're still available.

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Really I use the same pattern over and over. It changes. I've found key 3 and 4 seem to be used more so than others. I start with 4, 3, 5 on the first lock. works... maybe 50% of the time for me. (Somtimes I use 1,2,3 when the other doesn't work for a while) then its a crap shoot from there. The patterns don't seem to be random though becuase I get 4,3,5 or derivitaive of that to work often for all three locks. and it seems to reset if you go to a different game or log out and come back in. But it's a matter on just playing and playing and playing... :P

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It would be nice if Joseph and Lindsay stopped playing long enough for someone else to get the badges.

... :blush:

I'm sorry... I tend to get carried away with this stuff. I'd be happy to stop for a while and give others a chance.

Hopefully the rest at the top will follow suit.

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