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The Walking Dead: Dead Inside


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You make it, I can guarantee that all of us would buy it.

I would, just so when I do go to beat the shit out of him he already knows my reasoning.

Omg what have we started Hush lol? With the absence of a HNN t shirt this year maybe this would be the perfect replacement lol. I'd buy one especially if it had a cartoon Carl on it as well as the slogan lol.

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Omg what have we started Hush lol? With the absence of a HNN t shirt this year maybe this would be the perfect replacement lol. I'd buy one especially if it had a cartoon Carl on it as well as the slogan lol.

It appears that our hatred for Carl has blossomed into a potential fashion statement of sorts... :)

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Who knew we'd become fashion gurus and trend setters? And my teachers said I'd never amount to anything Pft lol

I know right?!

It would actually be pretty darned funny to see people walking around HHN with this shirt on. I'm thinking we'll probably see a good amount of TWD and zombie t-shirts in general there this year. Of course, none would be close to as cool as our Carl one, but that's just a given. LOL

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Give me till next week.

If we don't see anything by next Friday, I'm going to send Carl to just come and sit with you until you make something.

Wait, never mind. That wouldn't work...he'll just wander off anyways.

Very cool! Looking forward to seeing what your artistic creativity comes up with!

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Holy hell Legacy, I think you've created the fashion statement of HHN 22.... :)

I am going to purchase one ASAP, simply because they are that awesome. I think I've found my uniform for attending this year.

Thanks for creating such an amazing shirt for all of us Walking Dead fanatics. The shirt statement has become my motto in life, whenever something goes wrong, it's obviously Carl's fault. The little shit.


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I'm with Hush on this one, I have to get this. After being part of creating the whole series of I blame Carl posts it would be criminal of me not to. Good job Legacy. Hush I want our photo took of us both wearing that shirt together. What do you say?

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I'm with Hush on this one, I have to get this. After being part of creating the whole series of I blame Carl posts it would be criminal of me not to. Good job Legacy. Hush I want our photo took of us both wearing that shirt together. What do you say?

Well of course, it would be a fashion crime for us not to have picture taken together wearing these!

I love how this thread has gone from house discussion to show discussion to fashion discussions. Damn, I've missed this place.


KYLE!!!! <3

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On the back it should say "because Lori is too easy to blame"

LMAO...I like that or "...and Lori, your next" :) (with a little picture of a shovel next to the saying...just because she needs to be smacked upside the head with something)

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