QuestionMark Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Wait, so we're down to 6 houses now? I thought it was 7? What happened to Silent Hill? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
traveller Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 I am looking forward to this year, Kinda reminds me of the 1st time I went (03). I had heard of it before we went to Universal, but never went, no message boards etc. As we always vacation in the spring, I would have never guessed that trip in Oct. 03 would lead me to the point I am at now, planning months in advance, saving money, watching and reading all the rumors and gossip, checking on anything thats HHN related ,spending a couple of thousand dollars every year to attend(love staying onsite).This is my 10th year attending and I am counting the days. So perk up, sometimes not knowing whats going on is a good thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parkscope Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Wait, so we're down to 6 houses now? I thought it was 7? What happened to Silent Hill? 7th house should be happening. But until we get a permit...nothing it for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mr.luck Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 7th house should be happening. But until we get a permit...nothing it for sure. does it have to be publicly seen? can they hide it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) I have to ask everyone who is worried about the event: How long have you been going to the event? I've been going since 98, and I can't help but wonder if we would still have an event with all this worry and negativity. My first year had 5 houses (Frightantic was dual run so I count it has 2 houses) and 1 official scarezone. There were no express passes. There was no icon. I fell in love with the event. I fell so in love with the event that I made sure I got married in October, so that I could spend my honeymoon at HHN and celebrate my anniversary there every year. MOTB was a great scarezone, but it did not have the massive props we see now. Until the move to IOA, the zones didn't really have huge props. The zones were still good. The scareactors made the event not the props. Since everyone keeps mentioning it, 07's problem was not the lack of themed zones but a lack in the number of street scareactors. Having been to the event with only 1 zone, but with a decent number of scareactors in other areas of the park, that's what hurt 07. Not enough street scareactors. We don't know how many scareactors we are getting in the houses or on the streets, but there are three open auditions. I have to agree with Jimmy. Give the event a chance. As for a comedic icon, I would like to point out the one icon who seems to be the most popular icon ever. Jack. Jack was dark humor, and has always been well received. People love him. I don't understand it, he's never been my cup of tea, but every year people ask to have him back. If the P&T rumors is true, they won't have the in park presence that Jack did. It will be more like the pre icon era. So as a community, we should watch, wait, and see. Maybe if everyone think of this year as HHN: Old School, it will help. There is a big difference between growing each year and taking things away. One is a positive move the other is a negative. You can't miss what you never had but you can miss what you've become used to. The reduced house count and lack of an original icon will be big losses for me BUT I will reserve judgement until the event starts. This will be my 5th year in a row by the way and I travel all the way from England to experience it. I was going to say this but Grimp0nd said it best, the price for the event has gone up, not down, they are not going to make tickets cheaper, but people are okay with the quality to go down? I mean, I understand that HHN used to have 5 houses and small scarezones, but the event didn't cost the same did it? I mean, I am not being sarcastic, the prize wasn't the same, and, While yes is true they might put more money into the 6 remaining houses, the amount of people going to the event increased too, so not only we might have an overpriced event, we might have an event that might not be able to handle the crowds (This is All speculation, maybe they do can manage the crowds) comparing the event now to the past is not fair, things have changed so much, the expectations for the event have changed too, about giving Uni a Chance, well, most of us will be there, that's the thing, people will be there no matter what, you might say "well IF you dont like it Dont go" but that's not the point, we all Love HHN, that's the reason we are here, the point is that prices keep going up and attendance keep going on but quality varies, some years are better than others, some years had more effort I think, well, not effort but you can see it, some years feel they were worked on more, I dont know how to put it, quality doesn't seem consistent, we still don't know anything and this still is "Speculation" freaking out over nothing is not good either, But some of the things to worry about are there, so is not like people are whining over nothing I'll be honest, I'm not disappointed that I'm missing this year. I'll freely admit, though, that that's because Universal can't give me the type of scares I want. I enjoy scaring more than attending. However, the amount of incessant whining I am seeing about what may be coming is astounding. It's simple. If you don't like like what they're offering, DON'T F---ING GO! No one is making you attend. wait so you are defending HHN and Uni but you're not even coming? Edited July 7, 2012 by black mask 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jakemeister Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) does it have to be publicly seen? can they hide it No. At some point permits have to be released. Black Mask, we have no evidence what-so-ever that there will be a decrease in quality. We don't know if we're going to get more intense houses with larger budgets, we don't know if there will be twice as many people on the streets this year, we don't know these things, so until we do, maybe we should quit judging the event based on purely speculative information.... Edited July 7, 2012 by Jakemeister 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parkscope Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 does it have to be publicly seen? can they hide it Yes, by law it has to be publicly seen once it's been submitted for review. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legacy Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 wait so you are defending HHN and Uni but you're not even coming? Shocking, no? Heaven forbid I have an opinion. It's simple: I'll be out of the state. I would be able to attend if I wanted to, but with the price, my opinion of what's occurring this year, and my lack of enjoyment with the event last year, I am not going to make the extra effort to attend. It's not difficult. It's why I missed 2007 (and I was in Orlando then. Nothing about that year appealed to me, so I didn't go). If you really have that many misgivings, you don't have to attend. Anyone here has the same option. Jimmy, my dates are off, but my point remains: Penn and Teller are a part of HHN history. To say, they have no place is strictly opinion but evidence would say otherwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Jimmy Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Weird thing yesterday afternoon. Chris over at HHN Rumors reported in the Chat that he had heard that News 13 had announced the Silent Hill house for HHN 22. When I asked him he told me that a friend of his had said he had seen this report. This friend is also a friend of mine, so I have sent him an inquiry asking exactly what and when he saw this - so far he has not got back to me. I sat down yesterday afternoon and watched News 13 for a bit until they started repeating stories and saw nothing about this. It is possible of course, that IF they had such a report Universal may have contacted them and asked them not to repeat it. There is also nothing about this at the News 13 Website. I still do not know for certain if this was an actual leak or if my friend had misheard or what. Hopefully the person in question will get back to me soon. Jimmy, my dates are off, but my point remains: Penn and Teller are a part of HHN history. To say, they have no place is strictly opinion but evidence would say otherwise. I was just picking nits, and I quite agree with your point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JDW Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Come on people lets not sling mud. We're all fans here. Doc I heard a rumor of a shift in the houses. Possibly that SH may be moved to one of the SS20's. I heard the News 13 thing too but I can't find mention of it. For everyone saying prices are increasing... Prices didn't really change Yes a single ticket went up 7.00 to $88.99... That's pretty much inflation. But for less (69.99) you can go to every night the first three weeks... Which is the same price as last year. That is still saving you over 800.00 if you utilize the pass every night. This goes for the FF and FF plus. No change in price. The change only affects those who go a single night... Which is typically the general public and a few people who just are really restricted in their visits. ...And annual pass holders save even more. I go three nights every year and I pay 54.99 to go. I think that is reasonable... even if the houses are decreased. If the crowds are big I may just go another night. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boogeyman13 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 It's interesting to read through this thread and see the opinions about this year's event, but a lot of it seems to be from locals. And I've been trying to keep quiet, and waiting to reserve my judgement until official word starts coming out. But as someone who lives a few states over, I think there's a different viewpoint and an added layer of complexity that isn't really being discussed here. Deciding to go or not go is not a simple decision for people like me. We have to plan out our trip many months in advance. As pointed out by a fellow long-distance traveller above, even just a trip down to Uni and HHN for a few days can very quickly and easily reach a few thousand dollars. So the viewpoint of, even if this year sucks, enjoy what you do get and next year will be better, is completely inexcusable and a little insulting to someone like me. That would be like paying 3 thousand dollars for a trip to Chicago, but before you get there you find out that Wrigley Field is going to closed for construction, and the top 30 floors of the Sears Tower will be shut down for remodeling, so you won't get to see that awesome view that everyone raves about. Oh, and because of a parade, all those awesome little shops and exhibits that you love to stand around in and take in the flavor of the city are going to be closed, replaced instead by a couple guys walking around with a cart of hot dogs and pizza. But hey, even though this trip will suck, the next time you spend 3+ grand and come back, it'll all be back up and running, so just enjoy what you get this time. I was extremely excited for this year, after spending my honeymoon there in 2010. Even though I couldn't get the funds together to make the trip last year, I still followed the event closely, to the point that I am completely versed in the houses and SZ's from last year without ever having stepped foot in the state, let alone Orlando. So when things aligned earlier this year, you can't believe how pumped I got to for a sophomore visit. But all the speculation with seemingly verifiable evidence that's been coming out from this year has just been chipping away at that excitement. Prices, in general, have gone up. We're down at least one house, maybe even two. And of the remaining houses, one seems to just be a best-of from a tv show; and a second features a Vegas act, that while may have darker elements to their show at times, by no means would I consider horror or synonymous with HHN. The Scare zones might be brought down to one with some other people wandering around. There may be no amazing set pieces, but we'll get smoke machines and mood lighting instead. And there will still be a large crowd of people to clog up what is there. I was blown away by 2010, and what Universal can offer is what made me want to come back. It's a chance to go to a single event that features 8 haunted houses and six scare zones married with the best rides a theme park can offer. They play spooky music throughout the park, and build an atmosphere that I simply can't get anywhere else. But this year is starting to sound less and less like HHN and more and more like Six Flags' Fright Fest. I am REALLY trying to stay excited about this year's event, especially since this is probably the last year I'll be able to go for at least a few years. But I've found myself starting to justify this trip and the massive cash price by looking at what I can do during the day at the parks, and by going to Disney for the first time, instead of what HHN will offer. As I wrote in the beginning, I am doing my best to reserve judgement until at least something official comes out. And I really want this year to be amazing and successful. This isn't something that I get to do very often, and I'm putting up a significant amount of money to do it. But I've been starting to wonder if I shouldn't just cancel my reservations and get back as much money as I can from what I've already put into this trip, and say screw it for this year. The attitude of 'you get good and bad years, so just suck it up' isn't acceptable to someone in my situation. When Universal demands a premium price for their event, and has the capacity and funds to make the event amazing, I expect nothing less than their best effort every year. Not their best attempt, given the circumstances. There is no justification for an 'off year' when they charge more for it and have the capability of doing whatever they want on whatever scale they want. Not with what they expect me to pay to fly down there and stay a few days. Sorry for the really long rant everyone, and thanks for bearing with me. Just thought I'd throw in the opinions of an out-of-towner to give a bit of a different perspective to all of this discussion. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Jimmy Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 I've also heard the rumor of Silent Hill possibly being shifted to Soundstage 20, if so we may lose the "Dead Exposure" style house. This rumor has something to do with the floor of SS 33. But I have also heard signs of FAKE being in 33, so I don't know what is the actual situation, Hopefully we will still get 7 houses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mstgracy Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Legacy if your in town between September 27'th and the 30'th I've got an extra ticket my fiancee flew in to town but is leaving before I head out on vacation my friend and I already have our tickets purchased all are will call tickets. NOTE:I am not selling this ticket I am giving it away this is a RUSH OF FEAR PASS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) if we get 6 houses? what would their justification to the public be? I know we are here "whining" and whatnot, but we are just posting our opinions, but I wonder what the general public will say about 6 houses, and I wonder how Uni will justify it to people, I am pretty sure if we get 6 houses a lot of people are going to start cursing out the event out, well, Silent hill will get some people happy, so will the Walking dead, but, will the lack of 2 houses be a big deal? or will people don't care? I wonder, I mean, Yes I Know the Event used to have One house and zero scarezones before, I know that, but people wont remember that, people dont even remember who the Icon was two years ago... I just wonder how this will play out, If we only get 6 houses Edited July 7, 2012 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terra Guard Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Oh boy, I would love to see everyone's reaction if they announce 8 houses and 6 scarezones at the very last second before the event starts. I would be laughing for a whole week! Anyways, this crap is seriously getting out of control and people just need to take a chill pill. If we do end up getting 6 houses and 1 scarezone, I guarantee everyone is still going to have fun no matter what. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) this is too much to handle, if they announced 8 houses and 6 scarezones (which, how can they, with the lack of permits and whatnot) my head will explode Edited July 7, 2012 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boogeyman13 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Oh boy, I would love to see everyone's reaction if they announce 8 houses and 6 scarezones at the very last second before the event starts. I would be laughing for a whole week! If they did that, I would be ecstatic. I'm still holding out hope that they've got some sort of awesome surprise in store for us that's going to be completely unexpected. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark M. Posted July 7, 2012 Author Share Posted July 7, 2012 A couple things I want to say. 1.Everyone's voice should be heard, either positive, negative, good or bad. We should all respect each others opinions, but let's keep it without offending one another. 2. We understand the love for this event and some of us treat it like another family member, but please breathe in, and breath out. Relax a little bit, let's just hang in there and wait to see what Universal has to offer us. Last year we had to close speculation discussion a couple times, we don't want to do that this year. Universal over all is trying to make the theme park experience better for everyone, not just the HHN crowd. They have a lot on the plate, thus the reason why all the issues are coming up regarding HHN. Even if we do have 6-7 houses, sure it's not 8 and were used to that.. but these could be the best 6-7 houses we've seen, we just can't judge that by what we have right now. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 If they did that, I would be ecstatic. I'm still holding out hope that they've got some sort of awesome surprise in store for us that's going to be completely unexpected. yeah that's the thing, None of Us want the event to fail or hate it, that's the point we all love HHN. if somehow, by some miracle they were hiding the number of houses and we got 8, plus really good zones, i would be really happy, i would be super excited, but it doesn't sound like it might be that way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 I've gone to the event since 2001 and even though there are so called good years and bad years not one time was I disappointed. I have always felt I've gotten my money’s worth and something always wowed me every year. I think everyone needs to hold complaints till at least things are confirmed. If there are only six houses and one scare zone the houses may be longer, have more scare actors in them, or more detail. The first year I went they had scare actors not in scare zones, so when you went down back streets in New York they would pop out of nowhere. It was honestly freakier than when there is a scare zone. Not that I don't like scare zones I just feel that we need to wait and see what is going to happen then speculate not complain till we visit the event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronPaHHNFan Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 I've also heard the rumor of Silent Hill possibly being shifted to Soundstage 20, if so we may lose the "Dead Exposure" style house. This rumor has something to do with the floor of SS 33. But I have also heard signs of FAKE being in 33, so I don't know what is the actual situation, Hopefully we will still get 7 houses. Is it possible that they switched locations due to Silent Hill being an IP? If the signs of FAKE being in 33 are true my thoughts are they decided to give Silent Hill the higher profile location. Maybe they decided to not do the Dead Exposure style house after reading these forums and decided to go another route which opened up SS20 for Silent Hill. Of course until we see a permit for 33 I'm concerned about that location actually being used. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Circ Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) I'm trying to go into this with an open mind. In my opinion, no icon is better than a poorly conceived last minute icon that barely has any presence in the event. While P & T concerns me, hey... I don't know. One scarezone only kind of sounds like it would suck, but... Well, we'll see. Open mind, like I said. If anything, this is going to be amazingly different, and that has some merit to it all its own. I've never been disappointed with the event overall. It's always been one of the highlights of my year. Edited July 7, 2012 by Circ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 As a fellow out of towner, I have to say that I agree with everything that is being said. I have to travel from Virginia after speculating for what 4 months? Then I get to an event with no video on the USF entrance because lets face it the entrance video is always the icon inviting us into the park. Im sorry I like P&T as much as the next guy but I honestly have no interest in seeing Penn talking to us on the titantron inviting us in. (I said Penn and not P&T because Teller doesnt speak) Now to move on from that, my brother came up with a good idea, what if P&T is the culprit of bringing us an icon? What if P&T are putting on a show and as a joke they say a spell and that causes them to unleash a demon of some sort... I know we have heard nothing to make me think this is a possibility but I would be 100% fine if this is what would happen! I have one more thing, I know this is a longshot and has zero chance of happening but what if these leaked house details all involve a former icon? What if P&T let Jack out of his box as a joke, they dont realize that anything is going to happen and they release him. Also ever since Haunted House has been known I have been thinking it is Screamhouse, and that Photograph could possibly have to do with the Director? Also again Im streching so take this with a grain of salt but maybe the Storyteller is reading the comic of the Walking Dead to us... and the UPT is showing Silent Hill? Anyways just trying to fuel a little more speculation, hope you all see the similarities like I do lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pirka Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 As a fellow out of towner, I have to say that I agree with everything that is being said. I have to travel from Virginia after speculating for what 4 months? Then I get to an event with no video on the USF entrance because lets face it the entrance video is always the icon inviting us into the park. Im sorry I like P&T as much as the next guy but I honestly have no interest in seeing Penn talking to us on the titantron inviting us in. (I said Penn and not P&T because Teller doesnt speak) Now to move on from that, my brother came up with a good idea, what if P&T is the culprit of bringing us an icon? What if P&T are putting on a show and as a joke they say a spell and that causes them to unleash a demon of some sort... I know we have heard nothing to make me think this is a possibility but I would be 100% fine if this is what would happen! I have one more thing, I know this is a longshot and has zero chance of happening but what if these leaked house details all involve a former icon? What if P&T let Jack out of his box as a joke, they dont realize that anything is going to happen and they release him. Also ever since Haunted House has been known I have been thinking it is Screamhouse, and that Photograph could possibly have to do with the Director? Also again Im streching so take this with a grain of salt but maybe the Storyteller is reading the comic of the Walking Dead to us... and the UPT is showing Silent Hill? Anyways just trying to fuel a little more speculation, hope you all see the similarities like I do lol. This would be amazing, but I doubt it will happen. I also agree with all the out-of-towner stuff. I'm in Toronto, Canada. I can only go for a single night and it costs a lot. This is going to be my first year and I wanted it to...not be like it seems like it's going to be (i.e. terrible). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mastermind22 Posted July 7, 2012 Share Posted July 7, 2012 Maybe they decided to not do the Dead Exposure style house after reading these forums and decided to go another route which opened up SS20 for Silent Hill. If that did happen I doubt that was the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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