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HHN 22 Speculation

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I think the Dead Silence stuff is a red herring. I'm sticking with ghost house.

Thats how i associated the Dead Silence victim pic... "Mary Shaw" = ghost story = haunted house



- "stone by day, by night they live again" clue

- facade concept image

- actual facade image

Haunted mansion:

- living nightmare, house clue

- mary shaw victim image

- actual facade image

Parade building:

- nosferatu image

- lightning flash clue

2 other text clues:

- "Its time he comes home"

- "your future seems grim"

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I am so glad that Universal is now releasing clues themselves at last so that I no longer have to do it for them anymore.

Wait a second here Doc....are you referring to text clues that you've posted here on the forums? Or something else regarding Instagram? haha

I mean, I know you said you've never used Instagram, but now you have me second guessing myself again :P

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I have some good news for my fellow fans, but disappointing news for myself.

I won one of the 11 exclusive tours, but I was unfortunately unable to accept it. I could not find someone to watch my children during the tour.

So if you didn't receive an email saying you won, there is still the opportunity to win.

I just sent the email turning down the prize.

I was unsure where to post this. If there is another area it should be, please feel free to move it.

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okay... so we got 6 clues yesterday from 22 people..

we got 4 clues out of the 22 people chosen today...

As you can see in my recap above, we have 2 clues left over. I get the feeling we are missing 2 more clues. I think there should be a total of 4 clues per house. I believe we'll be getting another round of clues later today. I just find it hard to believe there were only 4 clues & 18 repeats earlier.

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Wait a second here Doc....are you referring to text clues that you've posted here on the forums? Or something else regarding Instagram? haha

I mean, I know you said you've never used Instagram, but now you have me second guessing myself again :P

I was referring to many things I've posted all over the place both here at HNN and elsewhere over the past few weeks. None of these were Instagrams, Let me just categorically state for public record: I am NOT the Ifrit.

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are you referring to text clues that you've posted here on the forums? Or something else regarding Instagram? haha

he's regarding the little clues he's posted on the forum. He doesn't use instagram. That was not created or involve Dr Jimmy in any way. The instagram thing was created by someone with too much time on their hands and felt the need to toy with you all with no actual end objective other than their own amusement.

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Okay okay okay okay...sheesh haha I didn't mean to offend you if I did Doc haha You should know (call me lame) that I put you on a pedestal (part of that whole "norse God's" discussion that was had a while back :P ) and respect the clues that you have given all of which have been MUCH more substantial than TheIfrit's uesless clues. I just wanted to double check for my own sanity haha

In further news, that's a bummer Mystique! Hopefully we'll still be able to get some insider info one way or another.

And in reference to the white substance comment, I repeat, I think someone was clearly being a troll and trying to be funny. Think about it, use your dirty mind....white stuff, moaning. C'mon...not that hard to figure out what was being referenced here :P

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he's regarding the little clues he's posted on the forum. He doesn't use instagram. That was not created or involve Dr Jimmy in any way. The instagram thing was created by someone with too much time on their hands and felt the need to toy with you all with no actual end objective other than their own amusement.

I think you just described yourself, Chris. :lol:

I kid, I kid.

Back on topic... I really dislike when the team decides to hand out clues this way. It's fine to have people enter the contests, but release the clues yourself. Waiting around for someone to realize they received a clue is just too painful for little ol' impatient me!

Edited by Lizz
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he's regarding the little clues he's posted on the forum. He doesn't use instagram. That was not created or involve Dr Jimmy in any way. The instagram thing was created by someone with too much time on their hands and felt the need to toy with you all with no actual end objective other than their own amusement.

I haven't seen Legacy around these parts in a hot second...hmmmm

He DID say "oh yes, there will be games..." on multiple occasions...

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True, it looks more Gothic than Victorian.

Well a a Victorian house generally means any house built during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837—1901). So its more or a time frame rather than a style or architecture.. so you could technically have both. Regardless, it looks like an old house in disrepair.

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To set the record straight, from what I'm hearing, the house is supposed to be like one of those classic old broken down rickety houses that sits on top of a hill in which many kids play the "I dare you to go in there" game. Victorian or not, I think that's the theme that's being represented here :) I don't care about the era as much as I do about the way that this house is sounding like it's going to be. It sounds like it's going to be awesome. I think it's Universal's way of making up for the fact that LT in 2010 wasn't that great...

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I haven't seen Legacy around these parts in a hot second...hmmmm

Legacy has left the sites for personal reasons. He might return eventually, but for now, don't expect to see him around these parts.

He DID say "oh yes, there will be games..." on multiple occasions...

and there still will be :)

I've gotten wind from a friend the gist on what's going on this year regarding the 'interactive' element. There will still be games :)

It's this year's mantra, folks. Everybody with me now! There will still be games!

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