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Nightingales: Blood Prey

Mark M.

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I know just what you were talking about Madmonk. I only saw that person once and he scared me.

I just wish the solider in the hallway scene would do some sort of acting and please speed up that scare. Cause I've only seen it twice out of 10+ times I've been through.

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Are all the Nightingales in this house played by females? Or are there males that can potray them?? Cause last year Mary Shaw was played by a guy ;) right?

there all female the whole house has maybe 1/4 males and 3/4 females

Edited by foREVer56
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I definitely remember someone in the bunks one time that really surprised me.

I've never seen the solider do anything but tell us to go and hurry. I guess I'll have to do some more runs and hopefully catch whatever happens.

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This is one house where the set design has me walking through with my mouth open - every time. I'm waiting for one of the banshees to stuff a morsel of corpse in there.

Didn't realize it till I was at the exit last night, but I was following Aiello and his group through this house. That worked great because they would stop when we would come up on a bit that required timing, so that creates perfect timing for me too. Only got about 5 seconds to say hi and thanks, but still fun.

Great work from everyone, way close to the top of the houses for me thus far!

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went tonight, totally love it, but, i didnt even know about the guy being ripped in the middle until today, and even today I saw it from behind me, that is one scare that happens once a blue moon,

i know it takes time to set up but, in all this time i went, never saw it, i always just saw the soldier just standing, its a pretty cool scare but, never even knew it was there, i went a couple more times and yeah you can see the girl behind the soldier just standing there,

so does it take a really long time to set up this scare?

also, a couple of actors got me really bad, scared the crap out of me today, specially the girl standing on the corpses, but, im still not feeling the energy that Havoc or Saws and steam has, i really wish i did but scares in this house are a hit or miss, some really really great scares but a few misses, the end nightingale also almost never comes out when i went, she did come out and scared me really really bad, trying to scratch me, it was really awesome,

also the girl with the horse, Awesome! she does it so well, really love that part of the house, and, lol, always makes me feel bad/sad for it, first time i saw it i was like OH NOES! :o

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As a preface, I went through this house on EP and Opening Night and had an excellent experience. Plenty of scareactors, good energy and good distraction/startle scares. That said, I went through on Thursday night (29th of September) mid-evening and was very let down. All of the scareactors had 4 nights of rest away from the event so I expected rejuvenated energy and the same intensity. What I found was a house half empty. Many of the the sections of the house where I knew there were good scares and scareactors where completely empty. The nightingale on the corpses was just staring at people with limited to no movement. The infirmary sceen when a nightingale is supposed to be digging in with a little blood spurting out had no scareactor present and the e-prom was just going off at random, which was cool still but out of place. The final scene was probably the worst, the gunner was just standing there like he was board just holding one handle of the machine gun and pulling the trigger. I mean it was like he was just chillin' on the corner or something.

I sincerely hope that the scareactors of this house have not started quitting or giving up on their effort. I know scare-acting is gruelling work, I am a scareactor...I should know, but it just makes you (us) look bad when you show ZERO effort or start quitting the event. I'm not accusing any particular cast, just stating what I observed in one of my favorite houses on only the 2nd week of the event. I hope it was a fluke and I just hit the house on a bad night. We can all have bad nights, the key is just to come back stronger the next night.

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I'm going to put this house at the top of my list, as far as scares are concerned, at least. The way the trenches are laid out makes it very difficult to predict where actors are going to come from. As for the actors themselves (or actresses, actually, because every damn banshee I saw except for one was wearing a nurse costume), I saw a lot of energy. Almost too much energy, actually. More than once, an actress would be crouched close to the floor and would lunge up at me from the side at about mid-section level, and would come much closer to me than can possibly be safe. The atmosphere of general chaos in the house really works in it's favor, and I love some of the set pieces I saw (like the soldier standing behind a barricade who gets torn in half from behind. The blood spay effect really hit home.)

Also, to whoever was manning the compressed-air machine gun at about 6:45-7:15 on Friday night, nice shot! You hit me right in the heart.

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Very nice to the actors, not sure which cast. You all were popping out of parts I never seen you all in before. The last solider actor did this pause look then pulled out his hand gun and started to fire. You scared me. Bravo your good house keeps improving.

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Nightingales was my favorite house this year. Great sets, great audio, great actors, great energy, great scares. The perfect combination. My only complaint might be the consistency between the two casts. For me, one cast was greatly superior to the other. It was almost like going through two totally different houses when seeing the different casts.

For the cast that was killing it, keep up the great work! For the other cast, just know that there is room for improvement. The other cast is proof of that. Use these comments as motivation to be the best. Be aggressive and keep your energy up because it really shows from the guests' viewpoint.

Anyway, I will miss this house. The last house that left me longing to go back was Dracula in '09. Both houses had mostly female casts...coincidence? I don't know, but it does feel as a larger male that I was targeted a lot more in those two houses than in most. I always appreciate when an actor tries to scare me and especially when they go out of their way to do so. Those efforts really leave a great impression with me. So, to the Nightingales actors I say thank you.

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Nightingales was my favorite house this year. Great sets, great audio, great actors, great energy, great scares. The perfect combination. My only complaint might be the consistency between the two casts. For me, one cast was greatly superior to the other. It was almost like going through two totally different houses when seeing the different casts.

For the cast that was killing it, keep up the great work! For the other cast, just know that there is room for improvement. The other cast is proof of that. Use these comments as motivation to be the best. Be aggressive and keep your energy up because it really shows from the guests' viewpoint.

Anyway, I will miss this house. The last house that left me longing to go back was Dracula in '09. Both houses had mostly female casts...coincidence? I don't know, but it does feel as a larger male that I was targeted a lot more in those two houses than in most. I always appreciate when an actor tries to scare me and especially when they go out of their way to do so. Those efforts really leave a great impression with me. So, to the Nightingales actors I say thank you.

At what time did you go that was the good cast? what cast was it?

I really need to go when that cast is in because I keep missing scares,

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Nightingales was my favorite house this year. Great sets, great audio, great actors, great energy, great scares. The perfect combination. My only complaint might be the consistency between the two casts. For me, one cast was greatly superior to the other. It was almost like going through two totally different houses when seeing the different casts.

For the cast that was killing it, keep up the great work! For the other cast, just know that there is room for improvement. The other cast is proof of that. Use these comments as motivation to be the best. Be aggressive and keep your energy up because it really shows from the guests' viewpoint.

Anyway, I will miss this house. The last house that left me longing to go back was Dracula in '09. Both houses had mostly female casts...coincidence? I don't know, but it does feel as a larger male that I was targeted a lot more in those two houses than in most. I always appreciate when an actor tries to scare me and especially when they go out of their way to do so. Those efforts really leave a great impression with me. So, to the Nightingales actors I say thank you.

Don't say which cast. Starts drama and shit.

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Don't say which cast. Starts drama and shit.

BUT I need to know, at least in private message, lol, no but seriously because every time i go to this house the scares are lacking in some places, i just always feel the house is not as strong as it could be

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Went through twice on Friday and finally got to see the rip scene (although I had to wait it out, much to the dismay of the Ops down the hall).

Very cool effect and the strobing worked perfectly to sell it, just wish it happened more frequently so more people could experience it.

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BUT I need to know, at least in private message, lol, no but seriously because every time i go to this house the scares are lacking in some places, i just always feel the house is not as strong as it could be

Go through both casts, decide which you like best. Bam.

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I have attended HHN 21 for 6 nights so far and expect to go again tonight if it doesn't rain all day like yesterday.

I have been through your house now about 9 or 10 times, and it would be one of my favorite houses except...

There is this ONE SCARE, it involves a soldier standing at the end of a long "corridor" like room as the guests approach and he apparently gets attacked by a Nightingale from behind... you know the scare I mean? Some call it the "rip scene" It is supposedly one of the main highlights of the house...

I say APPARENTLY and SUPPOSEDLY because in all the times I have gone back into this house over and over again I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS EFFING SCARE ONCE!!!!!!

Every damn time the scare does not happen until JUST AFTER I GO INTO THE NEXT ROOM! EVERY FRICKING TIME!!!

And when I try to linger... it isn't the ops people who rush me along... IT'S THE SCAREACTOR PLAYING THE SOLDIER!!! Both of them from each cast, the black guy and the white guy!

I do not know why you don't want me to see your scare, because that's they way I feel about this now, it's happened too many times so I really am feeling it's deliberate.

Last night the guy actually said to me "what are you looking at?"


I really am feeling singled out by this treatment. Let me tell you this, if you see me coming down that line again... DO THE SCARE BEFORE I LEAVE THE ROOM!!! Or I swear I will post the most vicious negative review imaginable EVERYWHERE I can, from YouTube to Facebook. Got it?

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i feel incredibly lucky, because i saw it on my first run :P. ont the second run, i went through on the cast witht he black male in the spot, i think this is cast b? anyway, it didnt happen then. it takes a very long time to reset it seems. you really need immaculate timing to see it. i still havent gotten the finale completely i dont think.

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