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HHN Collections

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Usher is by far my favorite icon, and I wish I had been able to go to HHN XIX. But as I wasn't there, I have to experience it through videos, pics, and memorabilia. Which brings me to my newest item, the HHN XIX media kit:


It's a fantastic piece, and is without a doubt my favorite of the three media kits I've been able to acquire. For those that would like to see more of its contents, check behind the spoiler tag.




All that's left now is to hopefully one day track down Bloody Mary's Music Box for the wife (she loves urban legends). Thanks for looking!


Question, the picture of the Icons you where did you find them or did you just take the picture your self and print them out to frame it?

Another member was gracious enough to provide me with the pulls from the XX website which I then printed out and framed.

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  • 3 months later...

I forgot about that one! Thanks! So we know they went back at least as far as Jack. Does anyone know if they sent anything out during the first nine years? Jack does make a logical starting point.

The oldest ones I have seen are from 98 and before that they sent pictures to the media which the oldest one I have goes back to 95

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I put together my HHN XXII display today, and thought I'd share.

First up, my brochure frame for this year:


Of course, I had to include my Horror Unearthed card in it, as that was such a great time with some awesome people:


And lastly my merchandise shelf, with this year's media kit, pin, key chain, blinky cup, and pin from the Horror Unearthed Q&A last Sunday.


I also have a house shirt, some more brochures, and the 3-D glasses from this year that aren't up.

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Yes I do text me and I can send them I think we have done business before...? And I will be posting my collection pics shortly for some sharing pleasure... I don't collect as much as I used to but do pass alot of to other collectors.:-)

Yep, we've done a bit of business in the past. I would love to text you, but I had a meltdown on my phone a few months back, and lost all my contacts. I'll pm you my number.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well they may be a shill bidder as far as I can see. If not then they are good because they have a ton of stuff but the events surrounding my auction were just weird. Just search for halloween horror nights and you will find them. Just watch for your auctions to get bid up to where you lose at the last minute and then get a second chance offer. I don't know for sure if he is a shill bidder it is just very suspect that I got second chance offers on 2 items that were bid up in the last minute to above my limit. It's like they were trying to see just how much I would pay and then get that much out of me. I wouldn't have taken the offer if my wife didn't check out the ebay for things she was bidding on and see the offer. She thought I would be happy which in a way I am considering I am getting the item's I wanted but I am just very suspicious over the circumstances surrounding it.

I know him, he has a lot of the same items and will take notice if you were bidding for them. I would also not be surprised if I beat you for those posters by looking at the time frame of this post because I got a lot of posters from him at one point

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Do you think I could find past HHN Media gifts on Ebay? I would love it so much if I got those in the mail every year!

That's where I've gotten the majority of mine. They do pop up from time to time. Last year, someone sold a bunch of them, from like HHX through XX or XXI, save for Bloody Mary's box and the Storyteller's glasses.

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Really cool site. Skimmed through it pretty quickly but I noticed you need a hi-res picture of a 2001 t-shirt. I own one.

Drop me an message.

When I first saw the image I thought Eddie was supposed to be some sort of bird with a steel beak. That's what the tip of his mask covering the nose looked like to me.

Edited by YourPallbearer
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