So, I can't be the only Halloween Horror Nights fans who enjoys crafts and paper crafts. Additionally, I would love to recreate some of the props and papers seen in past years. Not to sell, mind you, just to own and make. We already have paper crafts of - ScreamHouse ( ) , Shadybrook Asylum ( , The Skoolhouse ( ) , and the home of Norman Bates ( ) for the hell of it. Courtesy of the brilliant Ray Keim.
But, in addition to these, I would love to create some of my favourite props, and I can't be the only one. I would love to make Mary Agana's journal, maps and props from the Storyteller, the invitation to Castle Vampyre from XIV, and so on. Has anyone done stuff like this in the past?
For those who want inspiration, you can visit the past (and better) websites through