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Posts posted by Fear2010

  1. 12 minutes ago, Sinfear said:

    I love this concept of a new Treaks & Foons scarezone, especially since my only experience with them was in Eddie’s Revenge from 30. And it makes sense for this to be located in Plaza of the Stars too. 

    Thanks! I always felt the Plaza is in a very cartoony area of Production Central, which Is why I wanna put them over there with some sort of spin to offer something different. Got one more zone idea for the event theme before I get on to the next. 

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  2. I’m definitely hoping for the dates and the general admission as the next announcement cause that’s the first thing I want to come regardless of what all the houses and zones will be. That’s the point we’re at, and this should also be the month for Legacy to throw us some clues. Was expecting last month a few weeks ago, but he’s pushing them back cause he was impressed how quick some in the fan community got them right, and we’ve already got one house announced with Chucky.

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  3. 1 hour ago, HHNGuy27 said:

    I say yes, bring it back to Orlando at least, and upgrade it to a Soundstage or Parade Building.

    I’m thinking about that too. In case a Cleaver sequel doesn’t happen for 32, then this would make a good alternative for a comedy house. I also agree that the Killer Klownz from Outer Space deserves a better location for a facade other than having Klownzilla back.

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  4. But there is one problem of doing another Zombie house and/or zone at this point: Whether If it’s an original concept or an IP that has never been touched before, people would complain that It’s still the Walking Dead in some form.


    The zombies were a trend of the 2010’s that was ended by the oversaturation of the concept unlike this decade.

    • Like 2
  5. Though I did enjoyed the newest episode of Fear and Beer, they decided not to showcase my house ideas on their podcast cause they don’t want anyone to think It was theirs. So, I’ve decided to add the final touches of my newest house idea and drop it here instead. Fullmetal Alchemist was my inspiration for this, and it revolves around the Homunculi. 


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  6. They’ve mostly been busy with a lot of things outside of their podcast for more than a month other than Christmas and some rough moments, which is why there are less recently uploaded episodes, so I wouldn’t be surprised if their next episode will be delayed. Maybe It could be better than what I’m expecting cause of how much they love my house ideas. 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Sinfear said:

    Dude, that’s awesome! I’m excited to hear your house ideas on their episode. 

    They’ll be talking about these houses. Both of them are updated on Google Docs for some improvements and more additions to emphasize the experience of my ideas. I want them to look nice and ready for Nick & Shamus to read. 

    The Jungle House: Perils of Terror


    A Scary Tales type of house with a Hindu folklore spin inspired by the Jungle Book as a cultural love letter to India. 



    Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral


    A music house inspired by a classic industrial masterpiece based on my interpretation of the album.



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  8. They could do a walled-off walkway through the Kidzone area during the event. Even with everything bulldozed, the safe walkable paths could be placed like some of the extended sprung tent areas by covering the walkways with some form of cover on whatever surface they could put, and elevate some parts of them if needed.


    As for the food booths that were over there, I don’t think they’ll be relocated, since only a large portion of Kidzone is getting a tear down. 

    • Like 2
  9. I’ve been hearing the Castle Theatre is gone now. Waterworld is the only venue left with high capacity, but I don’t think they would touch it for some reason due to logistical issues and they always have used a certain amount of house space in that area. I’m starting to have a feeling It won’t this year unless they could bring in some performers for guests to experience while lining up in the queues before they officially hit the houses. On the other hand, It’d would cause issues the other way around like if it were a sticky situation. 

  10. I’ve been hearing the Last of Us TV series is getting really good reviews from the earliest viewers, so this does made me wonder its potential of being rumored again and come to the event. The reason it didn’t happen last year was the same reason why Evil Dead Rise never made it before A&D settled with Descendants of Destructions due to the delay. Murdy even hinted It on Twitter when he tweeted something about smallpox.

    It has a good chunk of material they could work with both from the games and the upcoming show. In order for it to be good as a house, they need to take it with an Resident Evil route of the same intensity and have a similar feeling of Silent Hill like if it were a hybrid of both in a sense.

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