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Everything posted by Twilight59

  1. You know if this were a film i bet it's gonna be shot in black and white.
  2. Here are some haunted house ideas i had in my head Mark Millar's The Unfunnies in 3D!-Welcome to the the messed-up world of The Funnies where sex, violence take place in this chaotic world of Troy Hicks himself! Criterion's Creepy Collection-Come and see the scenes of the famous films that are on Criterion's Collection DVDs from an experiment gone wrong in the Criterion's Collection secret labs. When the Nightmares Came-Come and take a look at his past and previous killings before he even corrupted the Trope Pantheons itself.
  3. Thanks, by the way i know this sounds but i had a weird idea about like a Urban Legends house that has scenes depicting Pop Culture Urban Legends such as The Hanging Munchkin and Paul is Dead. It's a weird idea i know.
  4. Well maybe a tunnel scene could fit in i guess. By the way here's a cryptid monster that could fit in the tunnel scene: https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Toronto_Tunnel_Monster
  5. And i also was thinking of a house-like scene could fit too.
  6. I think maybe a Graveyard scene could fit in.
  7. Well to be honest i thought it was a creative idea to do but yeah it won't probably fly and could cause controversy Speaking of which i have another idea in which is a crossover between Psychoscareapy and Insomnia Pscychoscareapy: Insomnia-Recently Shadybrook Asylum has been reopened by the demented doctors who ran the Insomnia Facility and the recent patients of the reopened asylum have been awake forever...so enter if you dare... By the way here's a video of the Insomnia haunt:
  8. HELL'S INFAMOUS FIGURES Description: A portal of Hell under the New York City streets have been opened and all of Hell's infamous figures have arrived along with Satan, Lucifer and Beelzebub himself... Decoration: The NYC Streets would be a mess, crashed cars, dead bodies, broken windows, you name it along with a portal to hell under the streets of NYC itself Scaracters Judas Iscariot Ted Bundy Charles Manson John Wilkes Booth Jack the Ripper Saddam Hussein Lizzie Borden Nero Caligula Mao Zedong Adolf Hitler Ivan the Terrible Kim Il Sung Maximilien Robespierre Josef Mengele Albert Fish J. Edgar Hoover Joseph McCarthy Joseph Stalin Al Capone Heinreich Himmler Emperor Hirohito Elizabeth Bathory Civilians Beelzebub Lucifer Satan
  9. That's also fine. By the way i have another headcanon about the Nightmare Creature you probably think he hates his own followers in which is his cult right? And you're probably right however he does like followers of him that aren't related to the Cult of the Nightmares itself and here is the list List of followers of the Nightmare Creature that aren't related to the cult itself. Jack the Clown Eddie Schmidt The Caretaker The Director The Storyteller Lady Luck H.R. Bloodengutz The Usher Sam Meetz Fear Marty Mindfield Mr. Metra The Sandman The Supervillains of Breaking Point The Hillbillies of Redwater River Nicolas Ruprecht The Psychos of the abandoned Toysaurus Store The Psychos of Uranium Studios Stingy Jack The Cult of the Randlers Some of the demons from Distinct Corruption, Hell Breaks Loose and The Fallen Darrin Adler Quentin Terrorlock Victor Chantz Minister Supreme (I know this isn't a place for headcanons but it was just a headcanon/idea i had in my head before doing this)
  10. THE HORRORS OF MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY Facade: Miskatonic University Scene 1: Inside Miskatonic University Scene 2: Chemistry Class Scene 3: Ancient History Class Scene 4: Biology Class Scene 5: Psychology Class Scene 6: English Class Scene 7: Miskatonic Library Scene 8: Miskatonic Medical School Scene 9/Finale: Outside Miskatonic University (The scaracters in each scene will be, you guessed it, Lovecraftian Horrors)
  11. This one is a bizarre idea i know but it's a scare-zone idea called: "Something Jacked-Up This Way Comes" in which is a crossover between The Midway of the Bizarre, Something Wicked This Way Comes and of course Jack the Clown himself...along with a few special guests of his own and those special guests are the sub-icons that appeared in 2007.
  12. House of Theater (2nd Path): Guests will go to the screening room (a.k.a the 2nd path of the House of Theater) and will see some of Starkweather's enemies's laying dead in the seats (Example: Cassie Cage having her eyes gouged out and Lois Lane's legs are removed) and on the screen itself are the Nightmare Creature's very own Snuff Films while the critics (In which they are the MST3K Crew, Nostalgia Critic, Roger Egbert, Gene Siskel and Pyrocyinal) are forced to watch these snuff films in Ludovico Technique style however some times Nicholas might burst through the screen with a chainsaw in hand and a Santa Claus mask on, guests then go to the projection room where in the projection room hides The Usher and Lionel Starkweather. (Note: Decided to turn the House of Theater scene into a path-choosing scene)
  13. Decided to do a little revamp of the Nightmare Creature himself: Long ago, when the Earth still had humanity in the ancient times, God decided that a person's sleep must have a dream and a nightmare itself and in response he used Dark Matter and little bit of Antimatter to create the Nightmare Creature and the light to create the Dream Creature, their job?: To spread the dreams and nightmares of the people sleeping, they did their job well and did good but however one day, the Nightmare Creature in human form discovered a dark arts books thus beginning to establish a cult who he actually secretly hates called "The Cult of The Nightmares" and in this cult he became the leader and demanded sacrifices for more and more powers and at that time he viewed everyone and everything in every single universe, multiverse, galaxy and planet as worthless people who're like undying corpses waiting to die and viewed Good and Evil as just plain nonsense and pretended to like the cult while secretly hating them, however when the Dream Creature saw this, he was furious and thus created an orb to seal him away forever along with the help of the Cthulhu Mythos deities, the Mythology Gods, Satan, the Grim Reaper and God himself and then finally....he was sealed forever...but not for long, as time passed many people released the Nightmare Creature by breaking the orb itself along with some historical figures and was always put back into the orb itself but however he planned something and his plan? Corrupt everyone and everything to make sure that everyone and everything is corrupted in their respective universes, multiverses, galaxies and possibly the WHOLE omniverse itself...
  14. For the Hamlet page in the TV Tropes website while being corrupted by the Nightmare Creature in my promotion idea i would imagine Prince Hamlet in the image of the Hamlet page would recite the famous quote of Hamlet but in a distorted voice. "To bE, Or nOt To bE, ThAt iS ThE qUeStIoN. WhEtHeR tIs NoBlEr iN ThE mInD To sUfFeR ThE sLiNgS AnD aRrOwS Of oUtRaGeOuS FoRtUnE, oR To tAkE ArMs aGaInSt A sEa Of tRoUbLeS, AnD bY OpPoSiNg, eNd ThEm. tO DiE, To sLeEp, No mOrE; AnD bY A sLeEp, tO SaY wE EnD"
  15. Also here are the links to the houses of the Trope Pantheon that appeared in my house idea if you want to know about them. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Shape https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Food https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/HealthAndDiseases https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/War https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Theater https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Gaming https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Technology https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/LifeAndDeath https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Nature https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Royalty https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Beast https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Faith https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Justice https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Celebration https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Crime https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Science https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/School https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Sports https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Music https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Narrative https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Mentalism https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/Otherness
  16. Yeah, about that when i read Stephen Colbert's folder on the symbolism page on the Trope Pantheon house of Philosophy, he seems to be opposing bears so i guess maybe he could be like a bear attack victim (I know he's a cameo in my house idea but i guess he could be like a cameo scaracter) Also i might change that to living embodiments of Phobias/Fears instead
  17. Got some other horror video game suggestions for your Hardcore Mode house idea Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Friday the 13th: The Game Layers of Fear Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
  18. List of Scaracters in the Nightmare Pantheons Haunted House Idea House of Shape: Thing-esque!Shazam, Thing-esque!Alucard, Thing-esque!Baby, Thing-esque!Jimenez, Thing-esque!T-1000, Almost Wounded!Beast Boy, Thing-esque!Envy and Thing-esque!Hulk House of Food: Cronus, Pennywise, SCP-953, Dr. Zomboss, Piggsy, SCP-524, Merkava, Almost Wounded!Marceline, Blood Covered!Gordon Ramsay and SCP-082 House of Health and Diseases: Infected!049, Infected!Retsu, Rage Virus Infected!Thrax, Almost Infected!Robet Capa, G-Virus Infected!811, Almost Infected!Tiny Tim, 610 Infected!Plague Knight, 016 Infected!Dr. House and the Plague Doctors from Catacombs House of War: Nightingales, Ares, Sun Tzu, Alexander the Great, Nazi Storm Elite Soldiers, 501st Legion Stormtroopers, Wounded!Private Miller, Sgt. Roebuck, Team Metal, War of the Living Dead soldiers and Dead Snow Nazi Zombies House of Theatre (1st Path): Some of the Slaughtered Men and Women, Insane!Hamlet, Insane!Lucy, Insane!Michael Bluth, Insane!Rod Serling, Insane!John Ferguson, Insane!Riker, Insane!Mr. Slave, Insane!Dolph Ziggler, Insane!Chad Warden, Insane!Ginosaji, Insane!Jerry Seinfeld, Zombie!Schwarzenegger, Zombie!Stallone, Zombie!Wayne, Zombie!Blessed, Zombie!Wakamoto, Zombie!Cage, Zombie!Jackson, Zombie!Serkis and Zombie!Gottfried House of Theatre (2nd Path): Nicolas Ruprecht, Lionel Starkweather and The Usher House of Gaming: Glitched!Tonberry, Glitched!Cuphead, Glitched!Zubat, Glitched!Mario, Glitched!Pac-Man, Glitched!Sonic, Glitched!Mr. Game and Watch, Glitched!Chris Walker, Glitched!T-Rex from 3D Monster Maze and Glitched!Pyramid Head House of Technology: Robotic Hybrid!Optimus Prime, Robotic Hybrid!Chronos, Robotic Hybrid!Quackity, Robotic Hybrid!R-Dash 5000, Robotic Hybrid!Bender, Robotic Hybrid!Freddy Fazbear, Robotic Hybrid!Cybermen and Robotic Hybrid!Mega-Man House of Life and Death: Zombies from the Romero Zombies Universe, Athena, Kane, Almost Eaten Alive!Death of the Endless, Cell, Aldia and Marion Crane with a Lawnmower House of Nature: Thorn Creatures, SkeleVine Creatures, Bloom Creatures, Fungus Creatures, Maw Creatures, Willow Stilt, Pod Creatures, Big Creatures and Audrey II House of Royalty: Royal Guards, Torturers, Minister Supreme's Soldiers and Minister Supreme House of Beasts: David Kessler, Rexxar, Stephen Colbert and almost every animal in the House of Beasts House of Faith: Demons from Hell Breaks Loose, Distinct of Corruption and The Fallen, Claude Frollo, Wounded!Palutena, Kratos, Set, Aleph and Pazuzu House of Justice: Shadybrook Asylum Inmates, Wounded!Judge Dredd, Tortured!Head Pixie and Almost Wounded!Stryker House of Celebration: H.R Bloodengutz, Cupids from VD 2: The Recurrence, Zombie Uncle Sam from Uncle Sam Wants YOU, Leprechauns from Get Lucked, Zombie George Washington and Abraham Lincoln from Dead Presidents Day 2: The Re-Election, Pilgrims and Indians from Thanks-Killing, Feaster Bunny from The Feaster Bunny, Tree Monster from When the Broughs Break, Your Limbs Will Fall...Off and Santa's Elves from Ho Ho Homicide House of Crime: Blue-Winged Creatures, Almost Wounded!Jack Sparrow and Jack the Ripper House of Science: Russian Sleep Experiment Patients, Necrosis Infected, Chernobyl Mutants, Mesgog, Ryoma Sengoku, Wounded!Steve Urkel and Alex Mercer House of School: Michael Krueger, Decapitated!Argatha Trunchbull, Crazy-Prepared!Seymour Skinner and Wounded!Edna Krabappel House of Sports: Ghost of Cab Craig, Rambling Ghost, Gridiron Ghoul, the Football Fiend and SCP-1733 House of Music: Werewolf!Michael Jackson, Shadow Freddy Krueger, Dexter and the Werewolves from Werewolves of Lodnon House of Narrative: Insane!Max Payne, Insane!Crypt Keeper, Insane!Veronica Mars, Insane!Joe Gillis, Insane!Alan Moore, Insane!Paul Bunyan, Insane!Old Man Henderson, Insane!Odysseus, Insane!George Bailey, Insane!Truman Burbank, Insane!H.P Lovecraft and Insane!Stephen King House of Mentalism: Insane Members of the Illuminati, Insane!Waluigi, Insane!Dr. Doom and Insane!Gabriel House of Otherness: The Embodiments of Phobias/Fears The Nightmare Realm: Tortured!Cosmos, Tortured!Melkor, Tortured!YHVH, Tortured!Lucifer and the Nightmare Creature. Nightmare Creature's Defeat: Nightmare Creature (Note: His defeat (in which is being sucked into the orb itself) will be like Ash being sucked into the vortex in Evil Dead 2)
  19. Silver Screams: Universal Monsters Facade: Universal Palace Theater Scene 1: Dracula (Both the 1931 and 1979 versions of Dracula) Scene 2: Frankenstein (1931) Scene 3: Wolf-Man (Both the 1941 and 2010 version of the Wolf-Man) Scene 4: The Man Who Laughs (1928) Scene 5: The Mole People (1956) Scene 6: Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde (1913) Scene 7: Werewolf of London (1935) Scene 8: The Invisible Man (1933) Scene 9: The Mummy (Both the 1932 and 1999 version of The Mummy) Scene 10: Tarantula (1955) Scene 11: The Phantom of the Opera (1925) Scene 12/Finale: Screening Room
  20. How about Video Game Madness? Does that sound good?
  21. Easter Egg Ideas for Breaking Point: Lockdown My Hero Academia: A broken All-Might action figure can be seen in one of the cells in the Brute scene and in the Visitation Room is a magazine about U.A. High School Watchmen: A Tales of the Black Freighter comic book is seen in the Visitation Room table including an old newspaper about and on the walls of the prison are graffiti'd words of "Who watches the Watchmen?" SCP Foundation: At one point the loudspeakers announce that a Mobile Task Force unit will come to the prison itself to try and stop the supervillains roaming around and on one of the tables of the break room itself is a letter from the Administrator of the SCP Foundation asking a collaboration between the prison and the foundation itself The Venture Bros: In one of the cells in the Brute scene is a torn page of one of The Blue Morpho comic books along with an old pack of Venture Rex cigarettes
  22. By the way i do have a finale idea for your horror video game montage maze idea and it features the first horror video game of all time including Mr. Graves from Atari's Haunted House game. 3D Monster Maze/Atari's Haunted House/Finale: Guests will now be at a hybrid between a maze and a haunted house where scaracters from the previous scenes pop out of every corner and at the near end, the T-Rex and the Ghost of Mr. Graves pop out for one last scare.
  23. That idea sounds good! By the way i do have some non-horror video game suggestions for the non-horror video game house idea you have and those are: Undertale, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Half-Life 2.
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