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Posts posted by clash
i dont think i have high hopes for this.
that is interesting. that video is a little better
I think it will be cool for a one time viewing, but i cant see myself doing any repeats if all they do is dance and there is no acting or big tricks or anything. I mus have done Jack's show around 6 times.
one thing i find interesting is that with Jack's show last year, a lot of the negative comments of the show was that people hated the parts with the clowns dancing. People loved Jack's part of the show but when they went into a dance routine people were complaining. This show seems to be ALL dancing so it makes me wonder how it will be received.
13 hours ago, Jediwhit82 said:
Ive heard people say its the scariest thing they have done at Horror Nights about the tech demo last year, would it be too intense for some people, im already mostly convinced on going but i dont want to chicken out and lose money.
i would be too afraid of hating it and wasting the money. i wish i could try it somewhere else as a test or something
the colors are so neon bright they will stick out like a sore thumb even at night with the fog
15 hours ago, Gambit said:
The Annabel Lee has arrived in port.
whats with the neon colored walls? looks odd
9 hours ago, Pandry said:
Yes amigo. Me want Chance! But though I hate this saying...it is what it is. I wouldn't have any issue checking them out for curiousities sake, but I'm more concerned with the show impacting the Banshee zone. Want my ambiance and ambient music uninterrupted.
the loud techno music would be a really weird contrast with the Banshee zone, It would be bizarre. maybe the banshee actors could start break dancing to the rap music as well lol
this is horrible, what a huge disappointment. (specially after last year's awesome show) a Jabbawockeez style dance show? what the hell? they couldn't think of anything else to do?
This might do well in Hollywood but here it makes no sense, and this style of show is going to clash with the zones around it. im very disappointed-
this is off topic so please forgive me for asking, just been wondering for a long time,
I dont know it was last year or 2013, but one day of going to HHN i remember seeing a group of monks with orange robes, shaved heads I think. Does anyone know if they were invited or something? did they pay to go to HHN? I didn't see any of them go into the houses but they were just chilling in the streets of the park.
Did I have a hallucination? lol. it was cool but weird because I never expected that. did anyone else at least saw them? (am i going crazy?)-
Universal can do waaaaaay better than this
eh.... Mmmmm... Not always.... Afterlife wasn't way better than that.
I mean, in all fairness, that vid felt like your typical 3d house at universal
So I have no idea what others might think...but what if they did violent cartoons? Have it similar to Ultra Violent Comics, but this time it's an out of control cartoon show featuring cartoon violence that wouldn't normally be gory or bloody. Could even open up for a new possible icon...
That would be awesome!
That would make an awesome comedy house! Maybe they could do some scenes in 3D and some not in 3D and make this the new "long maze"
rob zombie already did a 3Dcartoon house.
it wasn't that great ( not much different than asylum actually)
it could be cool but it is hard to translate cartoons into costumes (like I said, look at asylum) it would just look like people with funny masks on
Interstellar Terror: This time with Actual ALIEN creatures inside (same sets but with UFO style aliens everywhere)
Demon Cantina
Horror in Wax: with different characters this time.
Resident Evil is a very long game with a lot of characters and a lot of different creatures, it has a very long plot and a lot of details (it has a lot of rich environments too) the creatures of Resident Evil are hard to adapt as costumes or props for a house as well
Mortal Kombat has a handful of characters compared to RE and it is a game about beating each other up (Yes, yes I know there is a deeper story but no one really cares lol)adapting Mortal Kombat is way easier than something as complicated as Resident Evil. the MK characters are human shaped so the costumes would be easier to do (Even guys like Baraka or Goro would be easier than RE monsters)
And the sets would be easier too since all they have to do is look at a pic of the game backgrounds and recreate it.super easy to do
Sounds very Marketing-like, honestly. Let's call it Jack Presents to get people to want to do it, then plaster him all over the place instead of giving everyone they're time to shine. This house is in my top 5 of all time, but if it was done the way it was originally planned, I can see it being my #1 without a shadow of doubt.
well it Was Jack's big comeback after all..... dont really see it as a problem.
Sorry about that. I posted this on the Hollywood wishful thinking thread, but does anyone else think a Mortal Kombat house would be awesome?
I don't want to put down your idea. I'm just not keen for a Mortal Kombat house, because I just don't think it can be translated into a maze efficiently. I say that because, it's more of an adventure game with gory aspects thrown in, but overall not considered horror.
Speaking of mazes based on games... I would love to have a maze based off the newest Wolfenstein game. It's an action horror shooter game that I think that would translate into a maze very well. Either that, or a maze based off the DOOM games.
They could do things like Dracula Untold or even something as terrible as Doomsday into a house.... Then they could definitely make Mortal Kombat.
hell, Mortal Kombat would even be darker and could be more gory than the joke that was the Resident Evil house, (Could be darker than the RUN house we got this year)
Actually now that I think of RUN, Mortal Kombat could definitely be a better version of RUN, instead of killers from all over the world just replace that with Mortal Kombat characters and make better sets.
they would have to stick to the scary characters, but they could add some of the humans to, (Just like they did for the Purge, half the cast didn't have any costumes)
Purge characters weren't even that scary, even the ones with costumes on, I could think of other houses that didn't have scary characters in them, Like HAVOC.
I do think a MK house could work, and work very well. the sets would be creepy and there would be a lot of gore. EVEN if the characters are not horror related. -
Uni re-hires JMR and we get an all original event, with an in depth backstory.
this wishful thinking brings a tear to my eyes
And there lies the biggest misconception HHN fans have about the event: That HHN is the only thing that matters from September to October.
They still have a park to run that is bringing in far more tourist than HHN is (which is more for the locals). The parade is obviously still getting a high enough rating from guests management doesn't want to touch it. Well, that and there isn't a lot of descent live entertainment at Uni.
So, no. Universal is not more concerned about a "better HHN" because the event is doing gangbusters regardless. And the daytime hours will (and should) always have priority.
I would love to see the percentage of tickets during the day in October vs the percentage of tickets during the night (HHN)
As well as the percentage of sales of alcohol and food during the day in October vs the sales at HHN. It makes me curious because I understand what you mean but at the same time, isn't the park like a ghost town during the day in that month? I Know Potter brought more people into the park in general lately, but isn't the park kind of quiet while HHN is going on?
Besides the fact that the park closes at 5? if the day time guests and the parade are that important, you would think they would close the park at 6 or 7 and allow the day time guests to enjoy the park for longer, Im just wondering.
Don't they close down the Fear Factor stage to do Bill and Ted? Isn't that something that the regular guests will want to do? What happens to the Barney Area when HHN is going on? is it still open? do they take out the lines for the houses while the day guests are in?
How many things close down to create HHN? I really don't know.seems like they close some stuff to make way for HHN, so I don't understand why the parade can take a couple of months vacation. Specially when it seems to me that HHN brings more money than the park does during the day.
Singapore's doesn't seem that great icon wise. Most seem really bad.
I just got back from my haunt season and I'll honestly rank HHN Orlando mid-tier as a haunt. Even their "detail" is far less than other haunts are. Netherworld blew it away in every way.
that's what happens when you can put all your creativity and budget in a couple of houses instead of 9 houses and 5 streets.
Netherworld wll always win since they are so much smaller and they don't have little Disney families visiting their event.-
My biggest (nonrealistic) wish is for them to stop running the Superstar Parade from Sept.-Nov. in order for us to have proper scare zones again. Something we haven't seen since 2011. Yes, we still get props and sets, but when's the last time we got something like 20 Years of Fear? Or Asylum in Wonderland? Or fucking ROBOSAURUS???
The parade can't be THAT big of a thing. The only things I can see being the main purpose of the parade is the M&G they do with the floats in front of Mel's, which they can still do with proper zones, just don't put one in Mel's. And also to drive merch sales. It'd be nice to have a major set design in Hollywood and New York again. But if the choice for budget is either big, expansive zones, or 9-10 all new houses, I'm absolutely picking the houses.
i dont even think you need the budget to be that expensive to have good zones, specially if they just reuse props and sets from before.
that darn parade, i think i did it once, do people really love it or something? you would think they would be more worried about making a better HHN event than they care about the parade running for those 2 months.
a fortuneteller... The Fortuneteller... even the name feels HHN related....
Pfft just look at Hollywood's event, the entire event is a marketing catalog
And... AND Hollywood took over, and then we got a lot of shared houses, and got shared walking dead, etc... etc.
I feel like I'm the only one who is indifferent to Icons. If we have them, cool. If not, who cares? Yes, I love the old icons, do I want to seem them every year? God no. All the newer icons didn't live up to the old ones because everyone puts them on pedestals to the point where nothing will ever live up to it.
I'm kind of glad they are moving away from Icons. IP horror is what brings crowds so prepare a majority of houses to do this from now on. Because that is not going to change until it stops bringing in money. Icons don't sell like IP's do or ever will.
Every single year there is always someone that is either indiferent to the Icons or just hates them lol
The reason some of us care so much is exactly the same reason you brought up yourself. "IP Horror is what Brings crowds so prepare a majority of houses to do this now"Icons are like the only thing the fans get anymore. the only thing that is fun for anyone that has gone for more than 5-6 years. Im not even talking about the HHN veteran fans or the hardcore fans, but just us, the people that come to post here or the people that play the LT games... the people that do the RIP tour, you know... the people that care about the event further than "OMGZ I LOV WALKING DEAD "
Im not saying you are not a real fan unless you love the icons either, that's not my point either.
My only point is that with the event getting more and more IP obsessed, Icons are like one of the few original things the event gets. Icons and Scarezones. (And even the scarezones were wiped out or minimized for the last 3 years )-
Yeah he's not the scariest compared to the Caretaker or Jack, but you gotta admit he is way more unique. He's pretty much the last real icon before the arrival of Lady Luck (Fear was...ok)
For all those who were curious as to what Singapore's getting (and what we're missing)...
even if their Director is not that scary and even if the puppet master looks silly.
It does bother me to know that while Orlando completely gave up on making new icons, in the exact same time they gave up Singapore's team are coming up with all these great ideas. And yes, their event is brand new so they are just starting to create stuff and it is brand new to them so they probably have a lot of ideas and they have a lot energy or creativity or whatever to make this stuff...
But still, How come we have never had a vampire Icon, Imagine the vampire girl in the middle being our Icon, or that general guy. or even the puppet guy.-
I don't get why some of you want past icons... Universal needs to show there the best Halloween event and they need to do so by doing NEW stuff not living in the past.
I guess after fear and lady luck a lot of people (including people for Universal apparently) lost all hope for icons in general. I mean, Universal itself stopped making them, that tells enough. they dont even trust their own teams to come up with something good
And, the event now is all based on movies for the most part, and Usher is one of the greats. I Wouldn't mind having a second year with the Usher. I really wouldn't. it would be nice if he even had a show or something.
(But I do agree that we need new icons, we really do. if Universal doesn't even want to bother.... we should at LEAST get the old icons, that's the point, old icons are better than no ICon)
Halloween Horror Nights 26 Discussion
in Halloween Horror Nights 26
you used to get a small window from 6 to 8 where the lines are not as bad and where you can do most of the houses (at 8 is when most people start to arrive and then lines start to get to the hour and a half point)
But Lately a lot of people are arriving at 6 so you can see some lines be up to 1 hour by 6:30. I think if you are doing only one night then Express is kind of a must. specially with the amount of stuff to do and the amount of people that go early now. If you dont do express then there might be a couple of houses you might have to skip.