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Posts posted by foodstampsFTW
I really hope it's gets announced tonight
22 minutes ago, hhnfan95 said:
Maybe something to do with Jack?! We shared him back in 2007
I'd love that, but Murdy seems fixed on never using icons, but he does say it's a year for the fans
1 hour ago, StraightEdge said:
Terror Tram based on The "Klownz" scarezones from previous years?
I'm talking about the Clowns 3Dmusic by slash house from 2014
1 hour ago, HorrorNightsFan13 said:
He said he was working with a blast from the past so it has to be someone that he worked with at the event before. So Eli Roth, Rob Zombie, Slash, some people have said Alice Cooper but John would want to keep him in a maze.
However judging off of a recent tweet where someone said something about Clowns to John he responded with "to clown or not to clown." Or something like that. So I think it's clown related and something clown related would usually draw me towards Zombie but I'm just gonna throw a curve ball and say Eli Roth.
Man if it's a clowns 3D sequel on the terror tram I'm gonna fucking kill myself. Think about it, he said blast from the past, 2014 wasn't that long ago, but technically it's the past. I can't remember but hopefully he said it was a person he was working with, if not, there's a chance we're fucked
20 minutes ago, Arsik_22 said:
I've never waited for more than 15 minutes with express at Orlando the last 2 years. So its basically FOL. Lol
But on busy nights it can go over 30 mins, I've never waited more than 10 mins with FOTL.
Also a realible source says announcements are tommorow.
Too be fair, express is not the same as FOTL
Probably not, but if they were I'd say close to $250.
Congratulations StraightEdge, it sounds like you might get to go this year. Hope it's very fun for you first timers.
Nvm on my last post, just realized that everything hasn't been announced yet
I see the most anticipated scarezone list is up, when can we expect the house thread
Why would they give the icon the short stick just because she's a clown, they should've just skipped 3D this year
Grindhouse confirmed to work at GameStop, we must hunt him down. JK
It's rumored to be Egyptian
This review is garbage, not because I diasgree with some of the points she makes, it's because what she complaines about is either stupid to think it can't be like that(a hostile environment at the front with security), or it's something she made up(scarezone employees pointing a flashlight in her face screaming move). This has upset me so much I'm gonna write a big rant about some of the things she said, but I figured I would just mention this first. Just let it be known that according to her, if you liked last years event, you are either biased, bought, or a complete fucking idiot who doesn't know any better
This post is going to be hard to make, not because it hurts me to say this, but it's so difficult to understand what he's saying and I don't even know where to start. Ok, so he officially declared himself not a troll so I guess I have to address him, I'm not going to quote the post because it's too long, you know who I'm talking about and what post I'm talking about.
Lets start art with the edits you did to your second post, the first new paragraph basically says Murdys daughters are running horror nights, which I can't even say how insulting that is. The second paragraph just repeats if anyone thinks this is scary, which I already addressed in my first response. I'll get to the whole Turkey connection later.
Next, why do you keep insisting that no more VIP is killing this event. You even said that without it, it won't be a good night, I think that's what you were getting at, like Freak said your grammar and punctuation are terrible. How does this make any sense, how do you have fun at horror nights, why do you go? Do you go only to buy the most expensive pass and act like you're above everybody. Now while I think taking away VIP was a bad idea and that having VIP makes for a more relaxing night, but FOTL offers a more relaxing night as well. I assume most people go for the houses, scarezones, terror tram and shows, but I guess I was wrong.
I just noticed you didn't finish a point you were making. You started off saying when People are spending that much to travel(should be this much) and then started to list off where you were going but you never finished the ordinal statement.
No matter how much you list prices and how much people spend, I still don't buy you are a travel agent, especially since you never addressed the ludacris number of 27 people changing venues because of a purge scarezone, and how you'll lose money because of this even though you don't use your own money to pay for people's trips, and HOLLYWOODS TICKETS AREN'T ON SALE YET, YOU CANT BUY THEM.
No no one said the purge had a cult following like the big 4 do, I also wouldn't classify the big 4 having a cult following but whatever. Ok what the fuck are you talking about with Purge and Turkey. Because you made this connection I'm going to assume you either haven't watched the movie or you don't know what happened in Turkey. In Turkey, there was a military coup, that's where the military revolted against the government because they felt they were to corrupt or they didn't agree with them, sorry I'm not an expert on what happened over there so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I got an idea on what happened over there. The Purge Election Year, is a movie about a senator who's running for president and she wants to stop the purge, people in government don't like that so they use the purge to try and kill her, and the whole movie is about trying to protect her. There is no connection between the two, it's statements like this that makes people think you're a troll. Complete bullshit that you use as the basis of your arguements. If you truly aren't a troll, it's best to use fact to base your opinions off of.
I don't even know what the last line is saying, use grammar and punctuation.
I just figured his name would give more belief that he is a travel agent.
i don't think he should be getting attacked though, I feel I spotted a troll and called him out on what he said before people actually start believing/trust what he says. It's just best to ignore this whole thing
5 minutes ago, horror lover said:
To add to your counter-argument, Foodstamps... He said there was a Purge Tram in 2007.. The Purge didn't even exist back in 2007.. How can you do a Terror Tram based on an IP that didn't exist at the time and wouldn't exist for another 6 years? 2007's Tram was Jack The Clown presents Freddy, Jason and Leatherface
I know that's why I said I don't know what the hell he's talking about
1 hour ago, ukdude said:
wether based on the new film or not purge is a cop-out one of the latest in a long line of worn out unscary films, not even should it have the audacity to be up there with the likes of freddy and michael and krampus
murdy the word creative is in your job title for a reason using the purge again on such a large scale isnt a creative choice its a cheap fast choice and a lame one could be the death of hhn if the lameness continues i run a travel company ive already had 27 people individually call to ask if they can change venues from hhn as they lost interest when the annoucment went live today. so as a business we lose money due to laziness to the horror fans the purge is not scary never was never will be you might as well have done a scarezone on hitchcocks birds or maybe just put all the old mazes back in from 10 years ago when the park had that flair to impress youve killed the scarezones youve killed the rip now it seems all thats left is for you to leave and give the job to someone younger who can make a better judgement on whats scary . but then from what ive heard that wont be long as hhn sales have dropped rapidly over the past few years yet universal cant understand why im guessing they will this year biggest drop off ever
maybe see you all next year when theres a new creative director with some new vision for the future
15 minutes ago, ukdude said:its shocking that 2007 had a better lineup in my opinion than what we currantly have 9 years on you think they would have relised this im starting to suspect there whittling out hhn at hollywood in favour of orlando as orlando still has rip etc all of which has been stripped from the hollywood lineup of packages and tickets
and back in 2007 yes there was a purge tram and yes it was boring compared to the rest, now 5 zones of the same thing over and over thats desensitizing not scary.
oh look another purger and another (murdy shouts in background shit what can we do with all these old purge costumes now the franchise is dead on the last film) answer hhn 26
i might have been a little harsh but the truth is the truth for the cost of the tickets vs what we got as far back as 2007 you would expect them to progress not go backwards even 2 or 3 scarezones but not just a constant reticate of the purge reincarnated year after year
Both of these posts are complete jokes. I'll address this once but everyone should ignore this troll. First off, whether or not you find something scary is irrelevant, properties are chosen based off of how they can work at horror nights.
Second, don't try to tell us some bullshit about how you run a traveling agency and 27 people called in to switch locations off aid a scarezone. Even if you do work at a traveling agency and someone called to switch because of this, no fucking way that number is 27. And I just realized you can't book anything because tickets aren't on fucking sale yet, so I won't even get into how you'd lose money even though they would pay you to switch venues.
Third, ticket sales have been rapidly falling, really, look at the lines and say that.
Fourth, I know it's your opinion but the lineup from 2007 was better. Even though 3/4 of the properties are being used this year with even more stuff. Idk even know what the hell your talking about with the 2nd and 3rd line from the 2nd post.
This is a thread for speculation and some discussion, not bullshit. You said some really fucking absurd things about Murdy and the team.
I'm probably most excited to see this, but I'll say Exorcist is my most anticipated just because I really want to see what John has in store. After rewatching Krampus last night, it really makes me more excited because of all the potential, if this house sucks, it'll be the most disappointing thing ever.
It's gonna be called Krampus: Gingerbread men are assholes
Also earlier Murdy confirmed no 3D houses this year so there's no need to worry
Orlando's teasing Krampus
9 minutes ago, ThNdIzNiR said:
There will be a house announcement at Scare LA... that is confirmed. He then posted what I pasted above ten minutes ago, so there might be 2 announcements by the weekend... possibly.
No there's is not going to be, he just said they'll talk about houses that have and one that hasn't been announced, never said anything about announcing something at Scare La
Yea I'd say all the sound stages are a go, don't know about the other two
17 minutes ago, DTH316 said:
Maybe I missed it, but what happened to Parisian Courtyard as a maze? I was starting to like that venue
About damn time they utilize Waterworld though.
From the looks of it, seems I'll be hitting TCM or TWD very last this year before leaving the park. I think I can boogie with that.
Yea we lost it, idk why though. Good to maybe have you back DTH
HHN Hollywood 2016 Speculation
in Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood 2016
Looks like no announcement tonight