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Status Updates posted by JDW

  1. Imagine... if season 4 of TWD stays in the prison... imagine all the money Uni will save next year on props.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hhnFEARfan


      LOL. I really DONT want a third year of walking dead :(

      And Freak you mean a NIGHTMARE?

    3. Cupcakes


      The horror! THE HORROR!

    4. ZKeeper


      I don't mind as much. As long as that money went to the streets and the other houses.

  2. WOW HOS ad campaign is already puting HHN to shame. If they ever stop doing repeats they will be a force to be reckoned with. It just feels like what HHN USED to be...

    1. Mark M.

      Mark M.

      I agree. Only if HHN had HOS marketing!

    2. Freak


      Uni has bad marketing. Period. Have you seen USH? Summer of Survival? Really?

    3. peterandalley212


      Even with the repeats of houses, I think HOS is a force to be reckoned with. My fiance have been going to HOS since 2009(every year) and they change the houses just enough to make them interesting. And I've experienced a lot more scares there than I have in one house than entire event at HHN!

  3. RIP my little zeeky boy :(

    1. Dr. Jimmy

      Dr. Jimmy

      My condolences to you and your family at this time of loss.

    2. JDW


      Thanks Doc

    3. Freak


      My word. I am truly sorry about your loss Jeramey. I will keep you in my prayers. :(

  4. Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't really a great time for me to have a House Elf in my bedroom.

    1. splitsoul


      Harry Potter must NOT go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year!

    2. JDW
    3. splitsoul
  5. Everytime I see Evild Dead as "ED" I think of viagra commercials

    1. MahB


      LoL I think of "Emergency Department"

    2. ferox


      Erectile Dead

  6. White horses rode high as the devil passed by taking souls to Hades by twilight

    1. Dr. John Overwatch

      Dr. John Overwatch

      Twilight as a method for harvesting souls? I knew that movie was evil...

    2. JDW


      It's an Irish folk song called Back home In Derry

  7. I guess I have to watch Dr. Who...

    1. Dr. Jimmy
    2. Legacy


      It's entertaining, but...

      I had to force myself to get through Rose's arch, and have no compulsion to keep going. There are just so many leaps in logic. It's written in a vacuum.

  8. I've got something to say, you know, but nothing comes. Yes, I know what you think of me, you never shut up

  9. How could I be this way when I pray to God above/ I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love/ Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet/ While there's a moon over Bourbon Street

    1. Dr. Jimmy

      Dr. Jimmy

      Sting wrote that after reading Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire.

      When I read that book, the song in my head was Louie Louie by The Kingsmen!

    2. JDW


      Nice! I was always confused why they threw the wolf howl in at the end though.

  10. My meatshake brings all the colonists to the grill...

    1. splitsoul


      I could feed you, but I have to charge.

    2. Legacy


      "I would feed you, but I have no arm."

  11. Hang my head... Drown my fears... Till you all just disappear

  12. And with these little lies, we lubricate our souls

    1. Legacy


      But bigger lies get it done quicker.

  13. And my branches are waiting for you like arms And my branches are waiting for you

    1. PeoriaBJJ


      Awesome some.... Murder By Death did a great baritone version of this song too!

  14. in lieu of buttons this year I will be handing these bad boys on first come firt serve. http://i44.tinypic.com/10zvfa0.jpg

    1. JDW


      I'll thread them on a leather lace of course

  15. Everything that you wanted I have done. You asked that the child be taken. I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for *you*! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?

    1. jadaada


      You have no power over me.

  16. Yawn... Can't wait to see how the parade building will be recycled after this boring season of TWD.

    1. Coast


      They need to just scribble out where it says "Governor" and write "Brian"

  17. ... And don't anyone say 'April Fools' again or I'll rip them apart!

  18. Knockturn Alley is amazing... That is all.

    1. MahB


      Yes! Can't wait to go. :)

  19. Hey Look I can see his house from here

    1. Dr. Jimmy

      Dr. Jimmy

      But he hasn't come home yet.

  20. Hauntology is a radically different relationship to the past, the lost opportunities of which still haunt us today as their unrealized potential. It is this paradoxical idea of a future that never came, of other possible worlds that may still be present, or maybe yet to come, which constitutes the central feature of those artists grouped under the name Hauntology

  21. Wow shallow grave looks top notch. Wish I had the time and money to go. Maybe next year I'll go to the local haunts and skip Corporate McHorror Nights

    1. Legacy


      A Petrified Forest is a gloriously fun time, too.

  22. The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain

    1. Legacy


      The life of the wife is ended by the knife.

  23. This little puppet's about to get rough.

  24. Eddie's tragic backstory. http://bit.ly/1KnHLP3

    1. IheartNARWHALS


      Twas a good read. Thank you (:

  25. So apparently I'm doing a short film with my Silent Hill stuff... Cool! Now I need a script, and everything finished... and oh boy I'm gonna be busy

    1. IheartNARWHALS


      Congrats. I can't wait to see the final product!

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