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Everything posted by maximilian_de_kill

  1. Do you like to be scared? Welcome to "An Experiment in Fear"... this is an idea I've been toying with for 10 years and now ready to unleash it's horror to the world. (This is a work in progress... thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy it) WARNING: you will not sleep after watching this. This has been designed to fuck with your head. Follow the instructions exactly. It's fun to be scared, isn't it?
  2. As a fellow Forsaken, silence really is golden... and since when do zombies use the internet??? All you mere mortals, come visit us in the Forsaken, if you dare. Our eyes penetrate your being and we'll eat your souls!
  3. out of all the stuff the Plague Doctors have been called, "coughing dinosaurs" is definitely a first now that is funny!
  4. During orientation is when I was told about the degradation of the masks; however, when they assigned them to us - it was rather haphazard....so there really is not a lot of continuity with the masks if you are looking for it....
  5. sure! just wear a red "x", we'll seal your fate. "A red cross or 'x' to warn the public not to go inside the house and show to the plague doctors which house/s to watch. The person or people inside of a marked house were locked inside with the others in the house even if there were healthy people inside of it. soon,the infected in the house would pass on infections to the healthier and everyone in the house would die. 1-2 weeks later, plague doctors with long beak shaped masks (stuffed with lavender to stop the terrible smell) would burst down marked doors and haul the bodies into deep pits dug randomly about sites of the plague ridden areas." -Answers.com
  6. Thanks King, what a great review! We're having a great time coughing and sputtering, who knew the Plague could be so fun.
  7. Andrew, you may have won the award for longest sentence: "When you enter it seemed like the old Dueling Dragons' cave that was used to be filled with skulls and bones but throughout the house its the same and the same over and over except the final 2-3 rooms but it seemed like A&D tried for making the fear of claustrophobia play in this house but with that it was easy to see point out the boo holes throughout the house but the costumes seem great as the "masks" are related from the time of the black death as they try to stop spreading the disease using those specific masks so it was good in that way but everyone wears the same outfit/hat and wished to see more citizens of that time period coming back from the dead." good review, btw
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