Stingy Jack is back, with a new mix of terror to shock and horrify you! Using his magic to overtake an abandoned toy shop, he's arranged for a new set of terror to remind everyone of the true meaning of Halloween. Return to his world if you dare, but keep in mind: he's not messing around!
Another set of Halloween-inspired scenes make up this journey to Stingy Jack's world. And to be honest, Jack's return is just an excuse for another set of Halloween scenes. I promise, while I might retread familiar ground I'll try to keep the scenes different.
Facade: Guests find themselves walking up to an abandoned Toysaurus shop, overtaken with pumpkin vines bearing many Jack-O' Lanterns. The windows have the same swirl pattern as The House That Jack Built featured, and the vines hold the door open.
Toysaurus: The building has been cleared out, even the shelves. However, standing upon a stage is Stingy Jack, who ushers guests into a world of terror! He's his old, wisecracking, charming self. Guests exit the scene through a giant wooden doorway decorated with old-time Halloween-themed signs, with the opening draped with black fringe curtain.
Are You Ready?: The Halloween signs continue to appear in the dark hallway, lit with a black light. Stingy Jack can be heard, asking guests if they're prepared for the terror within. Guests pass through another fringe curtain, into...
The Maize Part 2: Where guests find themselves in a moonlit cornfield. Like the original house, scarecrows lurk in the corn. Unlike the original house, as guests turn a corner they find a combine rushing towards them.
The Sheet Maze: Exiting the corn, guests find themselves surrounded by white sheets hanging on clotheslines. A menacing silhouette can be seen behind one sheet, and he seems to be raising his knife... only for a clown to attack from an opposite sheet. (The shadowed killer is projected onto the sheet.)
Masks: Guests enter a hallway covered with Halloween masks. A scaracter hides in the wall, wearing a suit covered with masks.
Pumpkin Carving: Guests enter the gaping maw of a giant Jack-O' Lantern. Inside the gourd, pumpkin guts hang from the walls, over the walkway, and pumpkin creatures attack with giant pumpkin saws. (Steak knife sized saws.) As guests wind through the mazelike walls, the final turn hides a giant knife piercing the flesh of the squash, that will be lunged towards guests.
The Coven: As guests exit the pumpkin, they find themselves in a witch's shack. The witches' song from MacBeth can be heard. (I may be taking that bit from All Hallow's Evil. Sorry.) A hag and a younger witch tend to a concoction, interacting with guests. This distracts from a crone on the other side of the room, who splashes the contents of her cauldron onto guests. (Water, fog, and lights.) Guests exit the shack through a giant, overturned cauldron, a green fire-and-ice light providing the spill, and into...
Spinning Tunnel: A green-lit spinning tunnel. On the walls is the shroud of smoke, and skulls.
Graveyard: Exiting the brew, guests wind up in a graveyard lit with orange, purple, and green stringlights. It's Halloween, and the dead are throwing a party. As guests make their way through the tombstones, Halloween party music plays and zombies and ghosts attack. One of the zombies is a man in a pumpkin suit. Guests then enter the mausoleum, the opening of which is a white fringe curtain coated with static....
Horror Film: Because it turns into a black-and-white vampire movie. Guests pass by a coffin, which will open... only for no one to be inside... until a vampire emerges from the false back of the coffin. Guests then enter a film studio archive, where Frankenstein's Monster, a mummy, and a killer doll lurk.
Horrorthon: Guests exit the archives, and enter a theater through a tear in the movie screen playing scenes from Horror classics. Several horror fans are in the seats, dressed as monsters. Most are static props, but a few are scaracters. An usher (NOT Julian Browning. Unless they really want Browning.) forces guests out for not having a ticket.
Trick Or Treat: Guests then enter a space made of candy. Lurking in this space is a giant monster made from various "loser candies". Those chalky disks, candy corn, razor apples, stuff that gets stuck in your teeth, all that fun. Distinctively different from the Summerween Trickster, of course. More Yeti-shaped. That said, a victim will burst out of his chest, begging for release before getting sucked back in.
The Olden Days: Guests then enter Stonehenge, surrounded by druids in robes. A lead druid, face covered in markings and a long, grey beard, attacks guests with a scythe.
FINALE: The Harvest Lords: Guests then find themselves in a valley of sacrificed animals and people, covered in fog. As guests navigate the walls of the dead, deer skull-headed stilt walkers attack.