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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Crazy thought... what if they're for zones?
    2 points
  2. Or maybe Mike is just telling us all to HUSH and wait like Gentleman for the reveals. Hey Heather! ALLAMAGOOSALUM!!! had to tease her with that because of the evuls.
    2 points
  3. Remember Storm of the Century? Dealt with the Colony. Guy name linoge would take their children. looked like this: I'm not saying it is but, the gentleman could fit. Literally all you would have to do is change the neckwear and lapels and viola. And I'm not saying "Storm of the Century" But perhaps Body Collectors: The Colony.
    1 point
  4. I've been thinking, based on the clues we've gotten, and if it is indeed for the colony house, it could (and I stress could, as this is just speculation with no proof) possibly be Wendigos assaulting Roanoke. Their folklore would fit everything I've heard about this house, and if the LT house label were to make a comeback, it would be a good fit. Plus, those BC masks could work with just a bit of modification. Per Wikipedia (I know, I know): The Wendigo (also known as windigo, weendigo, windago, windiga, witiko, wihtikow, and numerous other variants including manaha)[1] is a demonic half-beast creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada. It all seems to fit.
    1 point
  5. For anyone who thinks I am for the changes made this year I took the survey yesterday. Here is a screen shot of one of the questions I answered. This was one of the nicest things I said actually. When it came to the "Do you agree" section and it stated "This website is the best Horror attraction site I ever seen" I almost broke my finger pressing the strongly disagree button. I ripped the RHPS being back and the lack or a decent show in years (B&T is fine for your low brow humor but I would like something a little more intellectual and interesting), recommended a variiety act with comedy, horror, magic, and physical feats. I called the webistie dull, uninspired, and pointless. I also mentioned that I used to spend untold amounts of time on previous sites but now I don't even bother to go as there is nothing for me. I mean, sure I understand why they are doing what they are doing, I can debate that they are soild business decisions, and even be okay with them for the most part.... But to throw specific questions at me like "what do you think of the theme?" or "Do you agree this is THE BEST HORROR ATTRACTION WEBSITE EVAR!!!!" Come on... I'm going to voice my opinion. They open themselves up to criticism. I do like the stories, icons, detailed website, and original content. I always have. I've just accepted the changes as what they are: Growing pains of the largest Halloween event in the country.
    1 point
  6. This thread is getting kindah sticky so I won't bash other peoples opinions or even shove mine into everyones face. However, I'd like to say this, I am a huge fan of HHN I've been living and breathing the stuff since 2006. I didn't go in 2006, but I found out about it on the website they had and as a huge addict for everything halloween I was reeled in. As for me, someone who isn't a florida resident and doesn't have the financial stability nor time for my family and I to go every October, I enjoyed the fact that the website could give me a little piece of HHN at home. Showing off everything in fun and creative ways. Also letting me interact with whoever the icon is and what the event was serving for that particular year. My only year going was 21 (the second weekend), I was very happy with Lady Luck (yes, her scare zone was horrid but the website was nice and) I liked how neat she kept the whole storyline of the event and why each house was there for the year (even though no scarezone really had a reason involving Lady Luck except for Grown Evil). Can anyone tell me why Lady Luck got/gets so much hate (other than the scarezone), I'm not understanding?
    1 point
  7. I should probably clarify my original assessment: My unhappiness does not lie within this being selected for a house or a lack a scares or horror material for this house. My unhappiness lies solely with the movie trailer (the only thing I have to go on at the moment) not because it is action or not scary enough, but because it appears to be whitewashing a historically psychotic mass murder. Should I be able to separate "fictional" Tepes from historical Tepes? Yes. But... They appear to be marketing this as historical Tepes, and I really doubt they will give us the man who killed catholic clergy because the clergy had the "audacity" to state he wouldn't be canonized. Vlad Tepes (the true historical figure) was a psychotic human monster. I'm having difficulty separating that from the ideal proposed in the trailer.
    1 point
  8. Ya know, I have to agree with Legacy on this 100%. Do I miss the websites and all the interaction leading up to the event? Hell yes.. However, I also know that there is only so much time in a day, and when someone (or a group of someones) is now tasked with much more responsibility, then it's impossible for them to "carry on as before". The only thing that changes is change, right? I used to be the one really gunning for the "original" houses because so many of them were my favorites. I'm sure they will continue to delight me going forward.. However, then I got to experience AWIL and CiTW, and I was blown away... the amount of work AND creativity required to do those IP houses and get such a response is astounding. The only thing that seriously pissed me off to an irrational level was the Walking Dead "street experience". I get the whole money-making process of why they needed TWD at the event, but that "street experience" idea came from a total idiot. I know for a fact that even the coveted "GP' was pretty much saying "What the hell" after a short time enduring that bucket of suck. That being said, I sure don't blame A&D for that one, nor would I ever say it was because of "lack of creativity". All in all, I only see the event improving - and with improvement comes growing pains. They still have rocking awesome quality houses at this event, and that's why I drop ass-loads of money to attend. I'm thrilled that this year is my 10 year anniversary, and I can't wait to get there - even with TWD.
    1 point
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